jammed daily devo

The Paris Cup (#jammed daily devo, day 306.)

November 2, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

November #jammed: Gracious.

Day 306: Thankful for Dreams.

“He reveals deep and hidden things;
    he knows what lies in darkness,
    and light dwells with him.” -Daniel 2:22

“Merci….thank you.” 306

“Bonjour …hello!”

Repeating after that voice as I wait in the after-school pick up line fuels a dream I’ve been harboring for decades. My daughters now hold a stake in it, too. Crepes and castles and coffee …we dream of adventuring to Paris someday.

New language births the dream of possibility in our hearts.

Beyond my dreams of healing from a struggle with my health, one day my x-ray was clear. Miraculously.  Fear drained out as I gripped the steering wheel and blinked through my bawling relief. And the first thing I saw when I returned home that day was this verse stuck to my mirror:

He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in the darkness, and light dwells within HIm. Daniel 2:22

He could see what I couldn’t all along. He had things under His omnipotent control. I choose to hold my dreams in the same regard, now. In His regard. Knowing that some of them will remain wild and untamed, but others will come true beyond the realm of human possibility.

Our dreams remain blurry until He brings them into focus. In His time. By His Grace.

Christianity gives birth to the possibility of the dreams in our hearts. Jesus shines light into the cracks of our hearts and the corners of our minds that we didn’t even know were dark. Dreams are dark to start, until He reaches in and tells us what they are all about …shows us what they mean. Little by little, as we seek Him in His Word and follow behind His steps, He shows us who we are, and why He placed those dreams. Every once in a while, He blesses us unexpectedly. That’s Love. That’s Grace. That’s God.

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for dreams. Thank You for coming into our lives by way of the cross, and investing Your whole heart in loving us. Forgive us for forging our own translation of dreams, and help us to seek Your version instead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Translating,


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