jammed daily devo

The Wellies (#jammed daily devo day 21)

January 21, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

January #jammed : Grace in Life’s Face

Day 21: Keeping our Feet Dry. 

“SO he prayed …I know how You are! I know that you are not like other gods, that You are full of grace and compassion, that it takes a lot to make You angry, and that Your loyal love is so great that You are always ready to relent from inflicting misery.” Johah 4:2 (VOICE)jammed-21

The bus screeched, and the smell of fresh baked bagels wafted in as the doors made way to the curb. The bustle of a work-day morning sent commuters up elevators, steaming cups in hand and umbrellas in tow. I stepped out to greet the city I love, and drowned my feet the collected rain. For a college student commuting on a bus fare, there were no dry shoes to turn back to …and insufficient funds to replace them.

Had my youthfully sharp mind checked the weather along with the clock, I could have thwarted a whole day’s discomfort …blisters and all.

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Jonah endured a fish’s belly for his disobedience to God …but it spit him back out. God gave Him a second chance. Whether we fail to prepare or run from the preparation, entirely, God is still there. He will graciously soak us in grace, even when we’ve forgotten our wellies.

Johah’s prayer pricks at the honest part of my soul that knows better yet doesn’t comply. Compassionate is He, to send His Son to die for me, anyway. I want to be a second chance kind of person, don’t you?

jammed-tweet-blueFour decades in, I’m wise enough to wear my wellies when it’s wet out …and cherish the days I feel soaked in grace.

Father, Praise Your compassionate love for us! Thank you for welcoming us back and rerouting us time and time again. Forgive our unpreparedness and disobedience, and bless our hearts to comply with Your gracious guidance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Share a time you forgot something important. Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Splashing,


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