jammed daily devo

The Same Time (#jammed daily devo, day 95)

April 5, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

April #jammed: Grace Studies.

Day 95: Ever present.

“Whenever I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” John 9:5

Lately, I’ve been waiting on the light to walk. I used to be a lot braver about getting out for image-95some exercise in the hours before sunrise, but now I’d much rather wait for the sun’s light to start peaking over the horizon …just enough to signal the bats and other nocturnal critters to scram back to their sleepy beds. The critter fear has become seriously real.

Sometimes, 6:45 is dark as night. Others, it’s bright as day already. But, no matter how time changes, His light permeates ever still. The sight of light is not proof of it. The safe blanket of faith around my heart that guides every shaded step is enough. He is enough, and He’s always here. Just like He promises in today’s verse.

“I Am.” He is, was, and always will be.

There is a certain protection that the Light provides.

There’s a lot to be afraid of out there. The older I get, the more aware of it I am. The more attached to life and all I’ve been blessed with that I get. When I leave a little too early I find myself leaning on Him a little more in prayer…which I know He loves. When my injuries slowed my run down to a walk, my pace at sunrise became a little slower …a little more intentional …a little more observant …which He smiles upon.

Theres a fine line between fear of the dark and faith in the Light. 

“Jesus’ followers reflect the light that comes from him, they too are “the light of the world” NIV Notes

When Jesus lights our hearts, we are eternally safe.

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for the Light. Thank You for Jesus, and His constant presence with us and pursuit of our hearts. Not one child does He wish to lose or leave behind. We confess the days that we do not walk at all for fear of the darkness, and pray that You strengthen our hearts to feel Your presence everyday. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Walking,


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