jammed daily devo

The Cover (#jammed daily devo, day 110)

April 20, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

April #jammed: Grace Studies.

Day 110: Underneath the cover.

 For the word of God is alive and active.” Hebrews 4:12

The rush to keep up with flipping pages and finding verses intimidated me at first. I wasimage-110 familiar with the Bible from Catholic school, but had never highlighted or written in it! Oh, my word! With my brand new NIV version, pages new and all stuck together, I looked up verse after verse as FCA each week. On all sides of me were worn in Bibles clutched by faithful hearts, and I longed to have what they had.

Little did I know then, that the journey I was praying for was already underway. Twenty years later, now covered to protect the binding from splitting a apart, I carry that same NIV version. It’s highlighted and written in, marked and bent, wrinkled, cried on, laughed with, and loved. It’s much more than it’s fancy cover. It’s my life in that book.

To have what I admired in my friends all those years ago is to live in that book, with that book, and by that book. Like the verse today says, it is “alive and active.” In a way that only a twenty year journey could even begin to uncover. I have witnessed Life, and it has forever changed mine.

The rest of the verse says this: “Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Sharper. God’s Word is a weapon, and we need it! There is a very real enemy after us, who hates the sound of Scripture. It’s truth, and he doesn’t like the truth, because he’s on the losing end of it.

Soul and spirit, joints and marrow. These are things that we look upon as closely related, and they are. But God’s Word is so intricately woven into each part of us and our lives, that that even just one notion takes a thousand words to explain.

Judges the heart. Jesus died for us before we existed. He is the Word, and the Word knows us. Knows our hearts. Knows our tendencies, denials, and flaws. The things we don’t tell anyone else about, He knows. And the answers to all of the questions we can’t ask anyone else about are in this Book.

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for worn out Bibles and brand new stuck together pages! Thank You for marking each part of Your Word with such special clarity to each individual life. We confess that we pass by Your Word for human wisdom so often, and pray that You refocus our hearts to Your highlights. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Happy Highlighing,


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