jammed daily devo

The Summer Gloves (#jammed daily devo, day 218)

August 6, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace.

Day 218: Purposed differently.

“Even though no one (except Jesus) owns me, I have become a slave by my own free will to August 6everyone in hopes that I would gather more believers.” 1Corinthians 9:19 (VOICE)

 In the North, we associate gloves with the cold weather …which may sometimes last from fall to summer …go away for a few weeks …and then return all over again. But as a dance mom, we quickly learn, that gloves are always everywhere.

Some things have a broader purpose that we don’t catch, because we aren’t used to applying them in that way.

Paul is talking about his purpose in this verse above today. People can have a purpose that we don’t recognize if we don’t understand what’s happening in their hearts. No one is making Paul spread the gospel around. He’s doing it out of the Love living in his heart.

It’s a concept as foreign as wearing gloves when it’s ninety degrees outside. If we don’t relate to why, we can’t understand how. 

When we accept Jesus as our Savior, it makes sense. Maybe not the glove part, but absolutely the telling people about Jesus part.

“I have a become a slave by my own free will…”

That’s a tough statement to understand outside the confines of a Christ-led life. There’s nothing else we’d rather do than share the Love we witness when He resides in our heart. We start to understand compassion, as we learn of His compassion for us.

The Living Word comes alive for us …and the gloves come off.

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Father, Praise You for loving us perfectly. Thank You for calling us to follow Jesus in Your perfect time. Forgive us for taking our faith for granted, and help us to be courageous in spreading the Love of Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Happy Living,


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