jammed daily devo

The Friendship Path (#jammed daily devo, day 294)

October 21, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

October #jammed: Free Grace.

Day 294: Follow His friend-steps.

Those who live right are good guides to those who follow,
but wrongdoers will steer their friends down the wrong path.” Proverbs 12:26

If we look back on each friendship that’s touched our lives, we can trace a path. day 292

Friendships that are built on solid foundations are forever unbreakable. But cracks in the fault of a trusting relationship are hardly ever repairable. We can step over them and continue on, but there’s no going back to retrace faltered steps. The mistakes we make with our friends’ hearts cannot be unwound or undone. The forward falling nature of life will continue to tumble on.

Today’s verse reminds us to be smart about the friendships we form and alert to the methods in which we maintain those friendships. “Wrongdoers” sounds so judgmental and labelistic, but it’s necessary to form some healthy boundaries against behaviors that may jeopardize the people we are aiming to become.

When we walk with Christ, we are on path to holiness that leads to heaven. Along that path, God will litter our lives with others that are on that same sojourn. How do we know when we’ve made a good friend for life, as opposed to a life just passing through? (Which is OK, by the way.)

Here are some healthy steps to follow down the path of healthy friendship based off of the wisdom of today’s verse:

  1. Friends will come in God’s time. Staying focused on Him will allow us to see the people He has brought into our lives to help …and others that are there to help us.
  2. Friendships need to breathe. Conversation with friends shouldn’t take precedent over the time we spend with God. Filling up with His Word first will allow us to have healthy friendships.
  3. Friends encourage and sharpen. Godly friends will encourage us in our relationship with God, and call us into accountability through the love of God’s Word.  Christ is not at the center of a friendship that leads us away from Him.

When considering who to spend our minutes with, it’s important to go back to today’s verse, and remind ourselves what we’re here for.

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Father, Praise You for friendship. Thank You for the people in my life that I can count on to keep me sharp and encourage my faith. They are extensions of Your love!!! Forgive us for mishandling the hearts of others in our attempt to befriend. Bless us with godly friends. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Friending,


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