jammed daily devo

The Night In. (#jammed daily devo, day 230)

August 18, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace.

Day 230: Sometimes …just stay.

When I learn to rest and truly trust Him,August 18
He sends His help. This is why my heart is singing!” Psalm 28:7 (VOICE)

The time I look forward to the most are Friday night’s, when my little girls can’t wait to giggle and talk to me about whatever they can find to talk to me about until they can’t stay awake any longer. I cherish those moments I get to look upon them, sleeping so peacefully within reach. I know those days are fleeting.

Family game nights where we argue over who’s turn it us and who skipped who more than we play the actual game. Movie nights or “Fuller House” nights, when my girls line up their favorite chairs next to our couch. Sundaes on Sunday, when we settle in after a busy day of church and dance, to relax in the home we’ve been blessed with and enjoy each other’s company.

We are not immune to meltdowns and hard times, but I cherish all of the time I get with this family I prayed so hard for since I was a kid. Answer to prayer isn’t always easy to live out, but we can trust that He hears and answers.

Today’s verse reminds me to rest and trust Him. It’s easy to fear the future as the days slip by quicker and quicker …and bad things seem to happen all around us …and to us …more frequently. But knowing Christ means realizing we are always loved.

“That is why my heart is singing!”

Jesus is the reason my heart is singing. Jesus is the reason my heart is content.  Trusting in Christ isn’t expecting an easy life, but knowing Who to navigate it with. The more we follow Him, the less we care about going outside of His will for our lives, and the more we cherish and praise Him for what we have within.

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Father, Praise You for blessing us each with life. Thank You for creating each of us with special and divine purpose. Forgive us for taking credit for the good in our lives, and assuming fault for the bad. Though sin is consequential, You do not always provide a direct answer  for the hardness we are promised in this life. Help us to follow you ardently in gratitude each day we are blessed to live, knowing You have a job for us to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Happy Sundaes on Sunday,


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