The formation of blended families is surging in America, with 1300 new stepfamilies forming every day. Sending children away to be the “other” parent can cause worry and unrest, and an emptiness that was once filled with holiday tradition. For others, the welcome addition of God-placed family provides a security and happiness long dreamed of! No matter which side of the spectrum, in a struggle to cope or celebration of union, half the families in the US are remarried or re-coupled.
This is the society that we live in, and we have to find a way to unite in prayer for each other, especially at Christmastime. All families are challenged to maintain an unrealistic amount of patience with difficult family members at Christmastime, but the power of prayer can cut through any awkward situation. No matter how blended we may be, God hears us, He loves us, and embraces us!
Wow, this time it posted but disappeared quite soon.
Are you aware of this?
It would seem there may not be a chance of a fruitful
conversation on this subject, if comments disappear
so quickly.
Is your site actually seeking comments Meg?
Or is that just an unused feature?
Please see below. Thanks.
Meg, it may be this page is not loading well. Comment posts seem to publish but they disappear from view after a time. Upon returning to the page for your responses, the post does not seem to load, and the Comments section is left with a sort of non-descript statement “Loading…”. Is that normal for your site? Thank you.
Well, now the comments have kept one response,
but deleted another that came after it.
Is there a size limit to responses Meg?
The comment that was kept is shorter – but of no
significance to the subject matter of the article posted,
it merely described symptoms observed in viewing
Editorially, it wouldn’t make sense to keep the
uninvolved post, which would not contribute to
the conversation meaningfully.
It’s perplexing, and perhaps a little saddening.
there is such promise for this technology for good,
but it doesn’t seem to always serve well.
I wonder if you are aware of all these problems
with the site Meg?
I’m convinced you wouldn’t wish to summarily
squelch comment, counsel or guidance in faith
on the site, and cause fellow Christians or others
to feel like their time is not valued, when making
an effort to post a thoughtful response to your articles.
But, it does beg the question, as to whether that is
actually happening. Could that be the case Meg?