
The Good Sick Day 

April 20, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

The gagging rapidly approached. I shot up from a deep sleep to dig defensively against my exhaustion. The bright red clock glowed, “4:30 AM.”


Up and out to usher her away from my room, I prayed my toes would remain in tact and my shins wouldn’t be shattered by the debris of low lying furniture that littered the route to the hallway. Our eyes squinted in protest but my heart jumped for joy when we made it to the bathroom without any projectile fallout.

“Why did you pass the bathroom to run to my room?” I asked her as pulled her new, short hair-cut back. She smiled and started to giggle, and then whatever was ailing her finally released. Bleh. The “every thirty minute” trip to retrieve water sips ensued; and as I attempted to sneak in some sleep between changing trash-can bags, the dim glow of dawn lit.

imageHer sickness seemed to fade rapidly as we pulled away from dropping her little sister off at school, and I was serenaded while she “rested” to the tune of Barbie’s shenanigans. If not for witnessing the vomit first-hand, I’d have pronounced her a big fat faker.

We sat to chat …laughed …sorted through her bookshelf …ate lunch …watched a movie …took the dog for a pier-walk …and went shopping. Cuddled up on the couch that night, I knew God had gone above and beyond answering my prayers for her healing. I silently celebrated the scenery of a Spirit-led day, that lent me the time to witness my rapidly maturing little girl grow up a bit …right before my eyes. #gift

To live in the motion of The Holy Spirit, replace your race with a pace to match His stride. It’s a humble walk, painfully slow at times, but always moving forward. Like the rhythm of a runner’s depart from the start, we can establish a pattern to race with the Spirit as He moves.


Let’s learn how to harness a “good sick” day, by investigating an amazing verse.

1. On your mark…

“Here’s my instruction: walk in the Spirit, and let the Spirit bring order to your life.” Galatians 5:16a(Voice)

If I break into a full sprint without running things by God, I may appear very busy and productive …but I assure you it’s masking a disheveled and over-tasked mess. Breaking time off to have a real conversation with Him sets the tone for my day and signals the Holy Spirit to start translating.image

When words to describe what we’re going through aren’t present in our vocabulary, or we lack the motivation to mumble what words we do know how to string together, the Spirit relays our message to God. (Romans 8:28) The One who speaks life has an infinite vocabulary.

“Let the Spirit direct your lives.” Galatians 5:16a (GNT)

Start talking to God about life. Through Jesus’ death on the cross, we have full access to the Author…and Translator. #prayaboutit

2. Set…

Being set to launch life the way God intended us to live it requires reading the Bible. What good is the answer to life if we never hear it? The Spirit aides our interpretation (John 14:26) of God’s living Word (Hebrews4:12), and a conversation is born.

“Let the Holy Spirit lead you with each step.” Galatians 5:16a (NLV)

It seems less daunting when broken down into footsteps. God isn’t calling me to change my personality, He’s asking me step into the ingenuity He laid into my life’s foundation. God’s Word reliably directs my footsteps with the disciplinary truth my heart needs to digest His love and direct my steps.

Read His Word in faith that it will answer prayers, apply currently, and ready life to shift and grow. #ReadTheWord


3. Go.

Galatians 5:16

“Walk in the Spirit.” (KJV)

“Walk by the Spirit.” (ESV)

“Live the way the Spirit leads you.” (ERV)

“Walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance.]” (AMP)

I discovered that in the original language, and within the context of Galatians 5:16, live and walk are synonymously derived from the Greek verb peripateo.

“Literally, means walk around…The NT uses peripateo to refer to the way believers behave or conduct daily life.” -Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary

Walking is living. Living is walking. “Spirit led” is a daily process that we walk out for life. Step in one obedient stride at a time.

“Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit.” Galatians 5:16a (MSG)

imageFaithful training makes for great races. The blocks are empty and the runners are already rounding the first curve. As the gun-shot-start adrenaline wears off, preparation relaxes us into the rhythm of our own breathing. Don’t look back…#Go

I am forever grateful that she passed the bathroom to come and get me first. I might have missed a footstep…

Happy Walking…


“Run your lives by the Spirit.” Galations 5:16a (CJB)

Reading different translations of Biblical verses can be done with a swipe of the screen. Bible Gateway is an amazing resource I reference to bridge my gap between average person and Biblical scholar. It’s a very large gap. I’m very thankful for it! You know what they say …”If I don’t know the answer I know someone that does!” #doyourresearch #neverstoplearning


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  1. Julia Putzke says:

    I love the last line of this because it reminds me of how I’ve been with God for days, with heart sickness though. Thank you for continuing to write Megs! Praying God spurs you to write a book SOON! ❤️ happy Tuesday/Wednesday!

    • Megs says:

      Julia, Thank you for encouraging me to keep writing my book…I’ve wanted to quit a hundred times already. Grateful for your encouragement! #amwriting Happy Weekend! Megs

  2. lynnjsimpson says:

    You’ve just given me a memory verse for the rest of the week! So true that we are to ‘digest’ His words to show us our next step, and like food, give us the energy to move.

    • Megs says:

      Lynn, that’s beautiful …and I’m so glad you’ve decided to keep this verse buried as treasure in your heart. Happy Weekend! Megs

  3. lynnjsimpson says:

    You’ve just given me a memory verse for the rest of the week! So true that we are to ‘digest’ His words to show us our next step, and like food, give us the energy to move.

    • Megs says:

      Lynn, that’s beautiful …and I’m so glad you’ve decided to keep this verse buried as treasure in your heart. Happy Weekend! Megs

  4. Alisa says:

    Hey Meg! I love this..If I break into a full sprint without running things by God, I may appear very busy and productive …but I assure you it’s masking a disheveled and over-tasked mess. I have been in this same position numerous times. I want to go straight to go without the ready part! And most of the time it ends in me being exhausted and frustrated. Loved this post today! Have a great week!

  5. Alisa says:

    Hey Meg! I love this..If I break into a full sprint without running things by God, I may appear very busy and productive …but I assure you it’s masking a disheveled and over-tasked mess. I have been in this same position numerous times. I want to go straight to go without the ready part! And most of the time it ends in me being exhausted and frustrated. Loved this post today! Have a great week!

    • Megs says:

      Alisa, isn’t that the truth! Our pastor preached on “I Quit …Hurrying” this weekend. The message is in the air! Slow down and let God do more. If only we were wired that way! It’s a constant battle. Happy Weekend! Megs

  6. Crystal says:

    Love when I can get in some great writing coupled with some bible knowledge. What a great addition to learn that “live” and “walk” are derived from that same word. You paint a wonderful illustration of preparing ourselves so we can fully embark on the race God has set before us.

    • Megs says:

      Crystal, I love when God shows me things like that! I was super excited about little nugget of knowledge about live and walk. Thank you for the compliments, and so glad you enjoyed reading. Happy Weekend! Megs

  7. Crystal says:

    Love when I can get in some great writing coupled with some bible knowledge. What a great addition to learn that “live” and “walk” are derived from that same word. You paint a wonderful illustration of preparing ourselves so we can fully embark on the race God has set before us.

    • Megs says:

      Crystal, I love when God shows me things like that! I was super excited about little nugget of knowledge about live and walk. Thank you for the compliments, and so glad you enjoyed reading. Happy Weekend! Megs

  8. I love that you were able to treasure and recognize the value of this time with your daughter! So many times as parents we rush by those opportunities to just be with them. “replace your race with a pace to match His stride” . . . LOVE this quote! Thank you for the encouragement, tips, and for linking up with #JesusandCoffee !!

    • Megs says:

      Jennifer, Thank you! I think we are all wired to rush around! I’ve been blessed to stay home with my kids, and I STILL feel like I rush around and miss stuff sometimes. I love that God is disciplining me and teaching me in this area of life. He is amazing. So glad He could build you up here, today, too. Happy Weekend!! Megs

  9. mhcarr05 says:

    Great post, Megs, I love all the scripture and the encouraging words reminding me of the necessity to stay in step with the Spirit!! It’s so neat to see how God is able to use even something as icky as a stomach bug to teach, nurture, and bless us. Love your attitude and heart! Blessings! 🙂

    • Megs says:

      Wow! Thank you! Such sweet sentiments that really encouraged me today. I love that God has given me the ability to see Him in the small, and I love sharing His grace and personal love! Happy Weekend! Megs

  10. mhcarr05 says:

    Great post, Megs, I love all the scripture and the encouraging words reminding me of the necessity to stay in step with the Spirit!! It’s so neat to see how God is able to use even something as icky as a stomach bug to teach, nurture, and bless us. Love your attitude and heart! Blessings! 🙂

    • Megs says:

      Wow! Thank you! Such sweet sentiments that really encouraged me today. I love that God has given me the ability to see Him in the small, and I love sharing His grace and personal love! Happy Weekend! Megs

  11. I love this! It is so important to have a conversation with God before I get to work, yet it’s so easy to forget.

    • Megs says:

      Catherine, It’s so easy! In fact, it’s our automatic response, isn’t it? It takes me so much effort to slow down and remove myself from the situation and insert God through time in prayer. Thank you for stopping by! Happy Weekend! Megs

  12. I love this! It is so important to have a conversation with God before I get to work, yet it’s so easy to forget.

    • Megs says:

      Catherine, It’s so easy! In fact, it’s our automatic response, isn’t it? It takes me so much effort to slow down and remove myself from the situation and insert God through time in prayer. Thank you for stopping by! Happy Weekend! Megs

  13. Jill says:

    Nicely said Megs! I love those stolen moments when I let go of my plan and walk to the rhythm of His. Thanks for the reminder! #livefree

  14. Jill says:

    Nicely said Megs! I love those stolen moments when I let go of my plan and walk to the rhythm of His. Thanks for the reminder! #livefree

  15. Missing Eden says:

    Love this! Your message is so good and your style is fun.

  16. Missing Eden says:

    Love this! Your message is so good and your style is fun.

  17. Holding onto this truth, Megs: “replace your race with a pace to match His stride.” Love that your little girl came to you first. Sweet blessings to you, friend. : )

  18. Holding onto this truth, Megs: “replace your race with a pace to match His stride.” Love that your little girl came to you first. Sweet blessings to you, friend. : )

  19. Dawn Boyer says:

    Oh, my goodness what a treat to sit and take in your words here. So much sweet truth and poetic beauty. I love it. I will have to invest a few more passings over these words because there is so much in them.

    I love it when He gets our heart in those moments and reminds us to sit close and listen to His whispering. When He turns the trial into a blessing and we see the sunlight through the clouds… those are heart-fire moments and we are kindled.


    • Megs says:

      Dawn, thank you! I love your encouraging spirit, and picturing the sun coming through the clouds. Sometimes, we see Him by simply looking up, don’t we? To Him be the glory. Happy Weekend! Megs

  20. Dawn Boyer says:

    Oh, my goodness what a treat to sit and take in your words here. So much sweet truth and poetic beauty. I love it. I will have to invest a few more passings over these words because there is so much in them.

    I love it when He gets our heart in those moments and reminds us to sit close and listen to His whispering. When He turns the trial into a blessing and we see the sunlight through the clouds… those are heart-fire moments and we are kindled.


    • Megs says:

      Dawn, thank you! I love your encouraging spirit, and picturing the sun coming through the clouds. Sometimes, we see Him by simply looking up, don’t we? To Him be the glory. Happy Weekend! Megs

  21. Sweet. So sweet. Love the insight God gave you through your “sick day,” and thankful He healed her so quickly. It’s a joy to read what God is teaching you, and I thank you for sharing it with us. Blessings! Following you at Holly’s this week.

    • Megs says:

      Thank you, Julie! Motherhood is a journey I’m so thankful to be blessed with. Every moment is laced in lesson and wisdom. God amazes me. #humbled #grace Happy Weekend!! Megs

  22. Sweet. So sweet. Love the insight God gave you through your “sick day,” and thankful He healed her so quickly. It’s a joy to read what God is teaching you, and I thank you for sharing it with us. Blessings! Following you at Holly’s this week.

    • Megs says:

      Thank you, Julie! Motherhood is a journey I’m so thankful to be blessed with. Every moment is laced in lesson and wisdom. God amazes me. #humbled #grace Happy Weekend!! Megs