jammed daily devo

The One Daily Thing (#jammed daily devo, day 349)

December 15, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

December #jammed: Grace, gifted.

Day 349: Turned inward too often.

“Laziness lulls people into a deep sleep.” Proverbs 19:15a (VOICE)

Padded feet came down the stairs in the dim light of morning …”morning cuddles DECJAM15momma,” my younger daughter demands. She climbs up into my lap most days and I’m happy to oblige her.


Morning cuddles remind me that I’m still here, still loved, still needed. Running through the parenting gauntlet can change the way we look and feel, but the doesn’t me we’ve lost who God meant for us to be.

If our kids still recognize us …we should too.

What do we do when things don’t go our way? When do we walk away and when do we stay in the fight? It’s so hard to know for sure where God is leading us, sometimes, even when are in the Word and in prayer daily. Even when we surround ourselves with people who build us up and give of ourselves and our time. It can still seem so quiet.

God can seem quiet.

HE can be quiet.

In those moments today’s verse helps us to focus on staying in the fight. There is something He has asked us to do today, and if we work our best at it, He will lead us into the next day, and the next task. One thing at a time, which is impossible for our goal-minded selves to grasp. But we can. We can do one thing.

Life is moving on. There is purpose in our suffering.

His timing is perfect.

And we just need to keep working ….at something …today.

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Father, Praise You for trials. Not because we enjoy them in the least, but because we know that You promise to grow us through them. Thank you for that hope. Forgive us for our lack of grace in our suffering, and bless us with godly strength, confidence, and endurance to keep working …on something …today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Working,


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