jammed daily devo

The Invisible Dollars (#jammed daily devo, day 64)

March 5, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 64: Provision beyond explanation.

 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!”Romans 5:17post-image-65

Awake in the middle of night, tears of dread streaming down my face as the days drew near. No one told me about post partum hormones and emotional swings, but they didn’t have to …I could feel it. I felt the ache to stay with my baby girl. It’s the first dream God put in my heart …motherhood.

“It’s just not what I’m supposed to do,” I sobbed to my husband, “I can just feel it …I know it.”

Yet, that next day, I left my three month old baby girl in the trusting hands of our sweet babysitter. She was perfect, and capable, and reliable, and kind. But I wasn’t ready. My cheeks were hot with tears as I slumped into my dusty desk seat.

“When God’s love impacts our lives, it completely changes us so that selfishness turns to generosity.” Lucado Life Lessons Study Bible

The shift had begun. In time and to the joyous answer to my prayers, my office moved home. And then, God’s provision blew us away. As my employee status shifted to freelance from home; and as the industry my husband works in hit one of the biggest financial lows in it’s history, we went down to one income.

 If one man’s sin brought a reign of death—that’s Adam’s legacy—how much more will those who receive grace in abundance and the free gift of redeeming justice reign in life by means of one other man—Jesus the Anointed.” Romans 5:17 (VOICE)

We began to lean on God the way we were supposed to, and in the small beginnings of good fortune, we were able to pay our bills. Small living seemed like great wealth to me, every time I sat down to watch Sesame Street with my little girl. Walks down to the water holding her little hand gave me a visual reminder to thank and praise Him everyday.

“Just as God never closes His eyes, we should keep our eyes open in order than God can help us go beyond the limits of our human frailties.” Franklin Graham, Living Beyond the Limits

When I no longer had a hip free to balance a baby girl and freelance work, life shifted again …and my husband took a new job …and a raise. I remember us talking about how neither of us had ever experienced God’s provision like this, and we still use the example to this day when we are worried about how we are going to make it.

“You can play a role that no-one else can. It’s your choice. Don’t get out of step by focusing on your own personal difficulties and misfortunes. Keep your eyes and thoughts on the Lord so that your spirit will be sensitive to His leading.”  Franklin Graham, Living Beyond the Limits

Yes! God provides! He provides for our physical needs, yes, but much more than that He lights the path to our dreams …He knows the way because He’s paved it! The love of a perfect Father.

jammed-tweet-blueFather, Praise You for provision and thank You for dreams. Forgive us for counting ourselves out and underestimating what You are capable of in and through our lives. Bless us to stay close to Your path for us by reading Your Word and following Your Son, Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Are you a stay at home mom or a working mom …or a little bit of both? Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Accepting Provision,


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