jammed daily devo

The Colorful Walls (#jammed daily devo, day 119)

April 29, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

April #jammed: Grace Studies.

Day 119: Add more color.

“Take care of yourself, concentrate on your teaching, and stick with these things. If you do, then you will be effective in bringing salvation to yourself and all who hear you.” 1 Timothy 4:16

When our family built the house we live in now, we each picked colors. Each daughter image-120picked the color of her room, and I picked pretty much picked the rest. After having to strip our old home of all character to sell it, the pops of color were refreshing. Moving in days after Christmas, the kaliedscope of color made my heart sing.

Until I realized that everyone in town was looking at the color of my walls.

“Oh, my goodness …we need blinds …NOW!” I said to my husband.

Today’s verse doesn’t tell us not to put blinds on our windows. For the love, please don’t trust that everyone that looks into your windows has good intentions. But, on a grander scale of life, we should not cut off sight to the parts of us that God is growing to make Jesus visible to someone in our line of sight.

We don’t stop to think about what people can see until we hear about it. What if the correct version …the best version …the version of us that is more than we see and the agenda that’s bigger than us starts to spread. What if God is pushing us out into view because someone needs to see how we live?

We must remember that our lives are not our own. We have a specific purpose here on earth to reach hearts that don’t know Jesus. Embarrassing, mistaken parts and all, we’re called to let people see who we really are. God uses the most mysterious mechanisms to retrieve His people. No mistake is too big for Him to fix. No life is not valuable enough.

When we let people in, we allow them to see Jesus in us. And ourselves to see Him in them.

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, praise You for Jesus! Thank You for giving Him authority on earth and us His hand to hold through this life. We confess all of the moments we forgo His grip for panic and reaction. Bless us to be stronger in His love each day, brining all who witness His love in our lives to His feet. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Window Treating,


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