jammed daily devo

The Wish-Trip (#jammed daily devo, day 107)

April 17, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

April #jammed: Grace Studies.

Day 107: Wishes travel.

 Without any hesitation, Abram went.” Genesis 12:4 (VOICE)

The bravery of Abraham to pick up his entire family and move to Canaan when he was image-107seventy-five years old is a true hallmark of faith. Even surrounded by modern-day conveniences and four decades younger, I can hardly fathom leaving all I know for nothing familiar.

But I do wish to take a trip. A mission trip. Each time the topic is preached on I sit further and further towards the edge of my seat. I see the smiling faces of the people I dream of hugging in person. I’m not sure how …I’m not sure why … I don’t know when …but it’s a wish I pray into a lot.

“I just want to bring one back,” I dream out-loud to my friends. “Just one …if I could just help one…”

There are things we can do everyday and people in arm’s reach to be helped …but God specifically told us to go out into the world. There are people who still don’t know. There are people that don’t have clean water to drink …and never have. They don’t know what it tastes like. They don’t know what food tastes like, either, because they’ve never really had a prolonged time in their lives where their basic needs for survival were met.

In this country, we are privileged to debate politics and complain about taxes. It’s an honor to scoff at legislation and flex our right to voice our opinion. But all of that effort …all of that breath …I just can’t help but wish …to go.

“Without any hesitation.”

What if we just chose to see and acknowledge what’s going on past our doorstep everyday? I wish …

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for missionaries and mission teams. Thank You for the opportunity to come face to face with the people You call us to help. Forgive us for forgetting about the forgotten. Bless us with the chance to go on our wish-trips. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Wishing,


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