jammed daily devo

The Nail Paint (#jammed daily devo, day 51)

February 20, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

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February #jammed: Dunked in Grace 

Day 51: Chipped but not forgotten.

 When Priscilla and Aquila heard him preaching boldly in the synagogue, they took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately.” Acts 18:26 post-image-51

One look down at my chipped nail polish shows the wear of years on my hands. I always loved painting them when I was younger, and remember trucking up caboodles full of polish to my family’s boat each weekend. At one point in my post collegiate life, I actually had tips that I would fill each week. The click clack on the computer keys used to be like music to my ears.

Mom-life has a way of changing things we fail to notice until our kids are no longer consuming as much of our time. Everything I’d forgotten about in the blissfull years of infancy and toddflerdom had really just been on pause. I had the same talents, same gifts, same loves. A little older and wiser and heart-filled, and not minding at all that my nails are a hot mess.

Priscilla and Aquila wore years of service to Paul in the name of Christ. When the preacher in today’s verse came past their line of site, it was their wisdom that alerted them to service. Apollos, the “him” in today’s verse, seems well intentioned in following Christ but he doesn’t have his facts about Jesus completely straight. This couple took the time to fill in the gaps.

In a world of cell phones, Internet access and social media, its difficult for us to relate to the slow traveling of ancient information. Apollos came from the city where the Old Testament was translated into the Greek. The word nerd in me wonders if this couple jumped at the chance to feel a little bit closer to God’s Living Word. And yet, having experienced Jesus on a more personal level, they were able to testify to It’s Living Truth.

When it’s our time to stop and reflect at the majority of life that’s passed, let’s aim to be like these servants of Christ: “All the Women of the Bible” states:

  • They Were One in Marital Bliss

  • They Were One in the Lord

  • They Were One in Secular Occupation

  • They Were One in Their Friendship for Paul

  • They Were One in Their Profound Knowledge of Scripture

  • They Were One in the Service of the Church

jammed-tweet-blueA life’s pursuit of Christ is not always going to look perfect. We won’t always notice our nails are chipped until we look down to see them. But the body of Christ can come alongside each other in love with teachable hearts as the wisdom of God’s Word is revealed in His perfect time.

Father, Praise You, for raising up spiritual leaders in our lives. Thank You for their love of You that they share with us. Bless us, Lord, with humble hearts open to question and coaching from You. Bless all those who aim to speak on Your behalf with the Words of truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Who is your spiritual mentor and why? Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Manicuring,


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  1. Lillian says:

    I’m getting ready to hit the big 5-0 in a few days and have been thinking out life and how time passes so quickly, probably too often. 🙂 Glad I clicked over from the Create with Joy linkup! Wonderful to meet another faith blogger!

  2. Megs, I’m always so happy when I see your smile and sunglasses at link parties. This post is such a blessing — and makes me wish that I could sit down for tea with Priscilla.

  3. Sarah Koontz says:

    CABOODLES! Oh, my have you taken me back in time 🙂 I used to envy other girl’s caboodles. Especially the pink ones. I’m sure there was a good spiritual message here, Megs, but I’m walking away with a renewed desire for a new caboodle. I am so sorry your teaching was lost on me, you should have closed with caboodles not begun with it, then maybe…..

    • Megs says:

      Sarah, you are cracking me up as I read this! I had a pink one! I did! I love that the Lord brought us together to talk about caboodles here, today! Happy Tuesday!

  4. I remember the days when I had perfect nails, too. Kids and life have a way of ending that luxury. ha. But that’s okay. It’s worth having working fingers instead. 🙂 I have spiritual mentors of all ages, some older, some younger. I’m grateful for everyone who can show us the graceful path to following Jesus!

    • Megs says:

      Lisa, that is so well said! Sometimes mentors come into our lives that are younger than us, and it’s wonderfully humbling! It’s amazing how He brings us all together! Happy Tuesday!!!

  5. Anita Ojeda says:

    I’ve NEVER had perfect nails! Mine break off when I look at them cross-eyed. I try to let the Holy Spirit be my spiritual mentor and help me sort out all the stuff that I read.

  6. Hazel Moon says:

    Loved your post – my nails are cut short most of the time with my handy clippers. Your thought had me consider our marriage of 66 years. According to the Doctor, my husband will not make it to his next birthday or to celebrate 67 years. We are holding each day precious. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

    • Megs says:

      Oh, Hazel, bless you for sharing with me today. I am so sorry that the days are few, and look to your story with hope that my marriage might make all the way like yours. Blessings and hugs to you!