jammed daily devo

The Joined Arms (#jammed daily devo, day 80)

March 21, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 80: On the road together.

 “He said to them, “Go tell that fox, ‘Look! I’m driving out demons and performing healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will complete My work.’” Luke 14:32

The morning was quiet, and off the shelf came fixed day
the trusty old devo book that I’ve been creeping through every so slowly to the tune of God’s timing over the last few years.

“Beloved, find security in the fact that nothing is haphazard about the activity of God. He has a goal, and He has a definitive plan that is to be executed precisely and according to His will.” Beth Moore, Portraits of Devotion.

When Jesus jumps off the page, it’s intentional …He wants our attention. Our God is a God of connection, weaving obedient and faithful authors together with their readers through  amazing channels of communication. Ways of making friends we would have laughed at back in the 90’s. But He knew, and I feel like …He couldn’t wait.

Now, we can reach out and touch another person who has touched us no matter how many miles, states or countries separate two souls. Friends are my favorite. To me, this is a dream come true. So, that particular morning, I clicked on the little blue bird and sent one of my favorite Bible teachers a ‘thank you.’ ‘Thank you’ tweets can be just as sweet as snail mail notes.

Don’t be afraid of connection, and as our verse today reminds us …don’t doubt purpose. Our God is an intentional God. Jesus isn’t messing around, devil’s annoying schemes or not. He’s on a mission, and it has a number of days. “I will complete my work.” Woo! Chill bumps and Hallelujah’s!

jammed-tweet-blueFather, Praise You for Jesus! Thank You for connection. We confess that our busyness keeps us from communicating what our hearts long to say, and we pray that You give us the gumption to step out and spread loving words …whether across the street or around the world. Nothing is impossible for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Friending!


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  1. Hi Megs! I love your remark that “when Jesus jumps off the page it’s intentional…he wants our attention.” Nearly everything I pick up these days seems to be about friends. Thank you for affirming that he has a plan for my friendships, as in all things. Have a blessed day!

    • Megs says:

      Me too, Alice! He’s been brewing a message on friendship in my heart for a long time. It’s an amazing …and such a personal process! God is so good. Happy Tuesday!

  2. Hi Megs! I love your remark that “when Jesus jumps off the page it’s intentional…he wants our attention.” Nearly everything I pick up these days seems to be about friends. Thank you for affirming that he has a plan for my friendships, as in all things. Have a blessed day!

    • Megs says:

      Me too, Alice! He’s been brewing a message on friendship in my heart for a long time. It’s an amazing …and such a personal process! God is so good. Happy Tuesday!

  3. Liz Giertz says:

    “Facing life armed with grace.” Now that I like! What a great though to start my day! Blessings!

  4. Mom Of Two Little Girls says:

    Great verse. I love your positivity and engaging faith.

  5. Mom Of Two Little Girls says:

    Great verse. I love your positivity and engaging faith.

  6. Joining you today in that prayer for gumption!

  7. Joining you today in that prayer for gumption!

  8. themomgene says:

    Awww I love this!!!!! We’ve got to have each other’s backs!!!

  9. themomgene says:

    Awww I love this!!!!! We’ve got to have each other’s backs!!!

  10. Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday