jammed daily devo

The Fingerprints (#jammed daily devo, day 75)

March 16, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 75: The unique mark of grace.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”” John 13:34-35post-image-75

Every creation with finger prints or hand prints or footprints or toe prints get’s saved in the “precious” box.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a cheesy of art …when there’s a sweet little print on it, I savor it. My daughters’ creations get thrown into a box throughout the school year. By the time I sift back through it, most “art” has lost it’s original charm. But, oh, those sweet prints. Their unique mark on life and stamp of their Creator. There are all precious.

Jesus loved His friends in the midst of their mess.

Today’s verse reminds us of the imortance of our efforts to love each other in this way. We are to love one another for our fingerprints. Not for who we think they should be or wish they would be, but for the perfectly imperfect human being that we are and they are meant to be. When we encourage each other for who we are, accepting flaws as part of what makes us so irresistible, we are walking like Christ.

“It is simply impossible to love another person the way Christ wants us to love while speaking hurtful words to or about them. And loving others isn’t a gentle suggestion by Jesus-it’s a command. Since our words are such a crucial indication of whether or not we love someone, we would do well to carefully watch what we say.” Lysa TerKeurst, Becoming More.

Each walk with Christ is like a fingerprint. None is the same. No person is the same, how could our experience with our Father be any different? Each little mark we make in this life in His name is savored by the Father. He celebrates us! Longs to be with us! Love us …perfectly. When Jesus died on the cross, His blood-stained tears dripped for all of the victories and all of the mistakes wound into our prints.

jammed-tweet-blueFather, Praise You for fingerprints! Thank You for creating unnecessary attributes that teach us to embrace our individuality. Forgive us for gossiping about others when we don’t understand why they are the way they are, and bless us to be compassionate in understanding that they are perfectly imperfect …intentionally, as are we. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Being Nice,


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