jammed daily devo

The Blue Water (#jammed daily devo, day 180)

June 29, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace.

Day 180: Place-wishing.

“…give me a sign that I’m really hearing from You.” Judges 6:17 (VOICE)June 29

The endless depths of blue water enclosed within the shores of the Great Lake …crisp and clear, refreshing and light, softly embracing when swum, surfed, of paddled in. Emersed in that fresh hue, life feels new. Dreams flood my consciousness as I float in sun-sparkled glory. Toes brush up against smooth stones that have been making their way to the shallows for centuries. To pick one up is wonder what piece of history is now hand-held.

Place-wishing is wonderful dreaming. If dreams are God-placed, as it makes sense for them to be, then how do we know when we’re supposed to go live them?

Place-wishing can be dangerous outside the will of God for our lives.

In today’s verse, Gideon begs that if that’s really his purpose, God would confirm His voice and Gideon’s direction. As God told Gideon to reduce the number of men in his army before battle, he kept asking for signs to affirm what He said.

It’s better to double-check our calling before heading out in uncertainty. Gideon reduced his army, won the battle, and proved to have great faith. But it didn’t come without a lot of hesitation.

Moses was the same way. He asked God for many signs …and doubted God’s ability to use him to such an extent that God agreed to have his brother Aaron speak for him.

It’s hard not to do what we want to do, but harder still to follow God. Though He grants us all we could ever ask for or imagine in our lives, that dream doesn’t always look like we think it might. We aren’t privy to the end of the dream …only the start. What I love about our loving Father is that He entertains our, “are You sure?”

Dreams are an encouraging sign of what our life might have in store for us, but they are nothing but a mirage when misaligned with their Maker. Whether it be a lake, the mountains, ocean, desert, concrete jungle …whatever the place that is begging for your roots, be sure to make sure it’s God’s will for them to be planted there. Through prayer, The Word, following His Son, and the occasional ...”are you sure?”

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Father, Praise You for allowing us to air out our doubts to You …even when it’s Your direction for our lives that we doubt! Whether we feel unqualified or overly blessed to walk out the dreams You spark in our hearts, thank You for putting them there in the first place. We confess our misconception that we can ever  be happy anywhere outside of Your will for our lives, and pray You plan over ours indefinitely. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Place-Praying,


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  1. Brenda says:

    Thank you, Megs. We’ve prayed much about our roots and how the Lord plans to take these desires of our hearts and align it with His. Because you’re so right, we don’t to be anywhere other than His best for us. Thanks for sharing. ((hug))

    • Megs says:

      Hug back, Brenda! Great comment! There’s nothing better than knowing we are following God’s path for our lives! Amen!