jammed daily devo

The Super Strong Coffee (#jammed daily devo, day 82)

March 23, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 82: Stronger than we can handle.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 HCSBpost-image-82

Coffee and me have this thing. And it’s growing …stronger. The process is getting lengthier. The time invested is stretching. Flavor is expounding on my taste buds, and now it’s an experience. AKA, I’m a coffee snob, as my husband likes to put it.

Guilty. So snobbery when it comes to coffee. From throwing a cup in an pushing a lever to grinding my own beans every morning, the relationship with my morning cup of joe has become a bit of a fancy-pants habit.

The privilege I feel when I crack God’s Word open is akin to the same love …and abundantly more. As the days run on into more life lived, I no longer need a quick bit of wisdom to hold my sanity together as two crying babies pull on both pant legs. My Father and I are growing old together like a fine wine … or a snobbery cup of coffee. Well invested, minutes stretched.

“I invite you to drink deeply from the exceeding riches of My grace- My favor, mercy, and lovingkindness. It is a free gift that opens the way for you into eternity. It also provides what you need to live now, in this fractured world.” Sarah Young, Jesus Today

The second half of today’s verse states: “Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9b

Jesus knew us before He accepted the cross. Every flaw and failure, but every smile and spark, too. Joy is in the journey with Jesus when we realize our weakness leads to growth. In the healing of our frailties, wisdom is produced. The ways of God are not our ways. He doesn’t always heal as we ask, He heals out of provision and love of a good, good Father. When we embrace our pain we acknowledge His sovereignty.

jammed-tweet-blueFather, Praise Your sovereign hand upon our lives. Thank You for loving us beyond what we are capable of understanding. Thank You for the simple joys in life like a good, snobbery cup of coffee. Forgive us for taking the little things, and giant pains, in this life for granted. Bless us and heal us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Coffee-drinking,


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  1. Meg, “joy is in the journey with Jesus…” yes! I love your joy in this post. So good. And I love the visual of savoring tie in His Word… I love it so much more when I deliberately slow down and really drink the Word in!

    • Megs says:

      Amen, Christine! I can always tell when He’s got a little more for me to read than usual when I wake up earlier than I normally do … and am tempted with distractions! It’s then that I know, when I sit down with Him, it’s going to be an especially amazing piece of His Word for me that day. Happy Thursday!

  2. … and that should have savoring time in His Word… 🙂

  3. Meg, Hi! Loved your analogy in this post, our relationship with the Lord should become richer and more involved over time as we consume His Word and lavishes His love on us! Great to see you today over at #Chasing Community. Have a great day! <3

    • Megs says:

      Thanks Misty! Happy to join the chase! lol As I stay committed to making time for the Word and with Him each day …it gets easier and easier. It’s time I can’t wait to carve out of my day. It’s my favorite. Happy Thursday!!!

  4. Brenda says:

    Megs, thank you for this beautiful line: “Jesus knew us before He accepted the cross.” Hadn’t considered that in that way before. We are so privileged to open up our Bibles day upon day — so blessed. How I pray an extra prayer of favor and blessing over those in areas where they aren’t so privileged. Thank you for sharing these sweet words today, Megs. ((hug))

    • Megs says:

      Brenda, Hugs, back …and Amen! We are so privileged. It’s hard to believe how extreme some are suffering for their Christian faith. It’s heartbreaking. Special prayers for them today. Happy Thursday!

  5. AnnMarie says:

    Love the analogy as it is true in my own life too. I started drinking coffee while working in a coffee shop 30 years ago and now it is a huge part of my morning. My devotions to our Lord are in the evening but He is a huge part of my day and I talk to Him throughout the day, thanking, sending up prayers and singing from the current Christian CD in my player. Great post!

  6. I have a friend who calls coffee the “nectar of Jehovah.” Time invested in making a cup or filling our hearts, minds, and souls with His life-giving words is, agreed, well spent. Great encouragement, Megs! ((Hugs))

  7. mareedee2016 says:

    I love that cracking open God’s word is something you yearn for. May it never stop. Maree