jammed daily devo

The Ankle Clicks (#jammed daily devo, day 132)

May 12, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

May #jammed: Growing Grace.

Day 132: Reminded.

Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.” Proverbs 23:12

The pink morning sky made my feet light as I hurried to the end of the pier. Warm image-132morning air, boats leaving the river, and the first orange glint of the sun …made me want to run.

Click …click …click …

Recalling the sound of the spin of my ankle around it’s joint the day before, I remembered why that wasn’t a possibility. Some days it’s hard to be grateful for slower steps.

“Develop a disciplined life. Be attentive so you can be well informed.” Proverbs 23:12 (VOICE)

We have to come to terms with the fact that we aren’t in charge of defining who we are, and why and when life happens.

Today’s verse layers adversity in hope. “Instruction” and “discipline” aren’t fun experiences. Some are more painful that physical pain, others are make life almost unbearable. When stripped of everything we think we need, we realize how much we can depend  on Him. Jesus holds our hand when we run, and He holds it when we walk and wait and hope and seek. The grip is just as tight. Jesus’ handshake is firm and confident.

“ears to words of knowledge …”

“attentive to be well-informed…”

It’s hard to accomplish either of those things when rushing by life too fast. It’s not always easy to understand why life’s pace is slowed for some and sped up for others. The dangers in looking around in comparison come so naturally to all of us. Entitlement has little in common with God’s good and just system of judgement. The way He loves us is perfect.

In this season of walking, we learn to love who we are with or without all the things we love to do. He is still who He says He is even when we can’t do what we want to do.

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for walking and running. Thank You for the different paces of life and seasons of growth. Some hurt more than others. Please forgive us for focusing on the negative attributes of hard experiences. Bless our hearts to embrace the unexpected changes in our life that You will for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Walking,


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  1. uplandweb says:

    Bad back, allergy provoked dizziness has limited walking and gardening. I needed this encouragement. Thanks

  2. Megs says:

    You’re welcome. It’s difficult, and I am passionate about passing on the encouragement that Christ gives to me to get me though. Blessings to you! Megs