
The Laps

January 7, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg


The shadow of my stride around God’s promise illuminates motherly purpose to my heart.

I revisited The Other Side, today, as part of a new blog tradition to make a “Throwback Thursday” post part of my routine.  As I scrolled through the text, my jaw dropped at how much it mirrored my notes for today’s #livefree Thursday, “I’m marked.”

“Maybe my daughters will learn to love distance running and it’s masochistic ways, too. If not in running than in something that they question why they love, until they are out there in it. I’m trying to instill an experience in them that will help shape their determination, by simply showing them who I am. I might not have it all figured out yet, but maybe that’s a good thing to accept early on in parenting.

Practice isn’t perfect, but it can make it.” -The Other Side

When the satellite TV becomes digitally distorted for a moment, I panic over what might happen if it doesn’t straighten itself out…what if I miss a play of the Browns game that could become the only highlight of our entire season?!?!?!  When my motherly satellite dish gets bogged down by heavy rains of “I don’t know what to do here…,” I tend to wig completely out in a panicked search of plausible solutions.

I do not know how to keep my baby daughter from feeling defeated over getting placed on a bad behavioral chart color at school.  How can I convince her that she is truly going to be OK if she will not listen to any reasonable word I have to say?  What kind of crazy state comes over my baby when she cries in fear before I even know what I should be mad about?

“Lo Lo,” I assured, “I promise I will not be mad at you, baby…just tell me imagewhat happened.” (Famous last words, mom.)

“It will only make it worse if I tell you.”

Make what worse?  What did I miss?

I could tell the dread of having to run laps around the property (punishment for breaking four very broad house rules that can be applied to almost any circumstance) was already starting to cause a “crank” in her side. But there was nothing to be punished for yet…


And then the self torture began as my mind launched into the outer realms of space where the occasions in which I totally lost my cool hang out…and then I started, once again, to doubt my parenting abilities.  I started to feel all kinds of crazy …and defeated …and like I am going to screw these kids up for eternity.

“I’m trying to instill an experience in them that will help shape their determination, by simply showing them who I am.” -The Other Side

God wants that for us.  He wants to help shape our determination by showing us who He is.

“I AM, “he told Moses in Exodus 3:14, “I AM WHO I AM.”

imageHe is all that we will ever need, because He has planned out every minute of our lives.  God layered each life with purpose so profound that He states the only provision required is His plan, for the deployment of which He sent His Son…and His Spirit.

“And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.  Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession- to the praise of his glory.” -Ephesians 1:13-14

Mothers are not made mothers by accident.  God meant to give me these children.  It was no mistake.  God’s plan is perfect and His timing is perfect, but my understanding of His perfect will is anything but.

If I can learn to relax in my purpose and create habits of seeking out His Word and giving what I have to Him each day, then my daughters will be well-equipped to apply the same principles in their own lives.  I have no doubt it will be hard to watch them stretch out to grasp Him in their own time. But by prayer and discipline in my own life and walk with Christ, I can do my human best to lead them to the path of righteousness.

In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he reminds his young padawan in the faith of the example he gleaned from his mother and grandmother.  Two generations of faithful servants led Timothy’s feet to the start of his own path to answer God’s call on his life.

“I am calling up memories of your sincere and unqualified faith, a faith that first lived permanently in the heart of your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am fully persuaded, dwells in you also.”  -2Timothy1:5

Isn’t that marvelous?  Paul didn’t say Timothy’s mother and grandmother were perfect.  They were marked.

I am marked.

Every night, as I scroll through my camera roll in the quiet of a imagepost-bedtime house, I am reminded of how blessed I am by the simple smiles of the day.  A midst the selfies, photo bombs, and “send this one to daddy” poses, it’s there.  That look of love.  They were looking at me, today… And we were all smiling.

What if we captured one of those moments and brought it, and Ephesians 1:13-14, with us to our time  with God the very next day?  What a powerful reminder of God’s mark of “mom-hood,” and positive way to launch the day.

The next time you’re struggling in a panic for “what to do,” remind yourself to be yourself.

It’s already in you.

If you need to take a lap around God’s mark, send your kids out to run one! “Practice isn’t perfect, but it can make it.

Happy #Livefree Thursday!


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  1. Powerful post, Meg! Thank you for this reminder: “The next time you’re struggling in a panic for “what to do,” remind yourself to be yourself. It’s already in you.” Amen. You’re speaking my language! Thank you for allowing God to use your words to influence me. Bless you!

  2. This is so encouraging for me as a mom to a one-year-old and three-year-old! I read recently that our children are truly going to remember so much more of the good than they will of the times we discipline them, lose our temper or have those mom-fail moments. Just like the pictures of your kids gazing lovingly at you. I think I need to relax more and just enjoy them! They’re enjoying us:-)

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Thank you so much! Oh my goodness one and three…I was there, girlfriend!!!!!! My girls are five and seven now, but oh I remember!!!! So much happens in one day of motherhood…it’s easy for me to get lost in the frustrations….especially when I’m exhausted!!! Those happy pics help me to realign my overall take on the day.
      Happy, Happy Thursday!!!!

  3. betsydecruz says:

    So good to see you at #LiveFreeThursday, Meg. We are marked by God! Thanks for sharing your musings on motherhood. Believe me, we ALL know just how you feel. So glad you get encouragement by scrolling through those pictures. 🙂

  4. Alisa Nicaud says:

    This is great Meg! Being a mom is no easy task! We are called to nurture, but discipline as well. The balance between the two seems impossible sometimes. I love how you said, “If I can learn to relax in my purpose and create habits of seeking out His Word and giving what I have to Him each day, then my daughters will be well-equipped to apply the same principles in their own lives.” I always say, “I’ll do my best, and give God the rest!” Have a great weekend!

  5. Alisa Nicaud says:

    This is great Meg! Being a mom is no easy task! We are called to nurture, but discipline as well. The balance between the two seems impossible sometimes. I love how you said, “If I can learn to relax in my purpose and create habits of seeking out His Word and giving what I have to Him each day, then my daughters will be well-equipped to apply the same principles in their own lives.” I always say, “I’ll do my best, and give God the rest!” Have a great weekend!

  6. So good!!! I am marked! Thank you so much for this post!

  7. So good!!! I am marked! Thank you so much for this post!

  8. Such great encouragement here, Meg. Yes, yes – God chooses us uniquely to raise up sweet little lives and He certainly doesn’t make mistakes. I think every mom questions whether we’ll be footing the bill for our kids therapy one day, but the fact that we question and surrender and seek is what makes us great moms who are willing to grow in God’s shadow…right along with our kids. Love your heart and your words!

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Thank you, Tiffany!!! It always makes me sympathize with my own mom… It’s such a hard task to “mom,” but God does comfort and encourage us so much! If we will only lean into Him! Thanks for reading! Have a happy and blessed day!

  9. Such great encouragement here, Meg. Yes, yes – God chooses us uniquely to raise up sweet little lives and He certainly doesn’t make mistakes. I think every mom questions whether we’ll be footing the bill for our kids therapy one day, but the fact that we question and surrender and seek is what makes us great moms who are willing to grow in God’s shadow…right along with our kids. Love your heart and your words!

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Thank you, Tiffany!!! It always makes me sympathize with my own mom… It’s such a hard task to “mom,” but God does comfort and encourage us so much! If we will only lean into Him! Thanks for reading! Have a happy and blessed day!

  10. I absolutely love this post. “The shadow of my stride around God’s promise illuminates motherly purpose to my heart.” Praying to remain in his peace this week with science fair projects, pinewood derbies and the many questions of growing up. I love being a mom. That was His first call to my life. Thank you for linking up to Cisneros Cafe today, Megs. God bless you!!!

  11. Crystal says:

    We are marked by God Himself, how marvelous that is! Knowing and really believing that allows us to live the life God has called us to live, and for mothers out there, to be the mom He created you to be. It’s already in us 🙂

  12. Crystal says:

    We are marked by God Himself, how marvelous that is! Knowing and really believing that allows us to live the life God has called us to live, and for mothers out there, to be the mom He created you to be. It’s already in us 🙂