My daughter can internally digest her weekly vocab list in twenty minutes, but she often chooses not to. She likes it when I am her “study buddy.” The productive grown adult in me knows dishes could have been washed, laundry folded …but time is fleeting with my tween. I drop it all and enter into the tortuous two hours. Two hours is my limit. After that, it’s not fun anymore, none of her jokes or mannerisms are cute, and “God …bless it,” is the mainstream thought flowing through my conscious as I deep breath through to the finish.
Though we enjoy many laughs along the way, for some reason my patience runs completely dry at two hours. Why? What else do I have to do? This is the child I prayed for and the blessed life I live. What is she interrupting me from? I need to be more interruptible. How many more Thursday evenings will she be excited about me being her study buddy? Be interruptible, Meg. God …Bless it.
Being interruptible opens our eyes up to what’s going on around us. We travel through life with tunnel vision unless we purposefully adopt an interruptible persona. Adapting to interruptibility isn’t easy. We’re tuned into the conversations of others, but often we’re calculating our response before they are done talking. Or, thinking about what we’re going to have for dinner or what we will wear to morrow. Our minds are naturally fickle. It takes effort not to be selfish.

Being interruptible sets us a part. God …bless it. All of it. ALL OF IT.
“The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.” Proverbs 10:22 NIV
All things happening under the sovereign sight of God (all things) are under His control. Yet, we serve a God who is interruptible. Created in His image, it’s in us to be interruptible, too. It helps to understand how all things are tied together by our great God. All-seeing and all-knowing, Creator of the Universe, His heart is moved by our prayers. He is close to the brokenhearted. He is our Defender, and Provider. How is He interruptible?
“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding,” Proverbs 3:13 NIV
To gain understanding of our God requires us to seek Him, as a result of which He promises we will find Him. How does this work, this understanding? And how do we gain wisdom? Just like anything else in life, trial and error, and layers of leaning in to learn. We have to want to know, and be open to His answers through prayer and His Word. He will connect things in life that appear to be coincidence, because though He may be interruptible …He is purposeful.
“For God is not a God of disorder but of peace- as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.” 1 Corinthians 14:33 NIV
It’s hard to sift through the insanity of this world, but when we do truly seek God, He is faithful to be found. We don’t have to change first or earn His response. Through Christ, no system of religious actions are necessary to come close to our Great God. All can pray to Him, all are welcome, and Jesus came for ALL of us. Any entitled system of judgment set in place by humanity is not of God. Jesus came to wipe the old system away, and begin a new covenant with His people. To all who believe in Jesus Christ, and accept His sacrifice for their forgiveness on the cross, eternity in heaven awaits. We confess our sins, and are forgiven.
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 NIV
God …Bless it. Let everything we do on this earth honor You, bring glory to You, and reflect our faith in You …and Your love for us. Help us to be interruptible. To pause and genuinely love the people in our lives well, for You love us so well. Jesus didn’t have to come down from heaven …be He did. He’s interruptible. The man who’s daughter was dying interrupted Him, and He raised his daughter from the dead. On the way, the lady that grabbled His robe interrupted Him …and He healed her. Jesus is interruptible …run to Him.
Happy Interruptibility,
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