jammed daily devo

The Magic Dust (#jammed daily devo, day 157)

June 6, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace.

Day 157: Magical Grace Dust.

“Jesus:  If you want to do God’s work, then believe in the One He sent.” John 6:29June 6

We waited and waited, and I felt like I was going to evaporate in the hot Florida sun beating against the blacktop as I saved my daughter’s place in line to meet Peter Pan. Her favorite character next to Tinkerbell, my daughter lives and breathes all things magical and wonderful. Her heart believes.

In a world with so many skeptical young hearts, I’ll take pixie dust any day. It’s way more fun to be around, and just believing in it makes one feel light on their feet.

Today’s verse comes from straight from the heart of our Savior. Imagine what it was like to hear Him speak them, live and in person. Waiting in the hot desert sun for hours, surrounded by cynical and hardened hearts, just to here the Savior of the world sprinkle a little dusting of grace to refresh the crowd of hearts flickering with belief.

“Believe in the one He sent.”

believe- to have absolute confidence in the truth. -dictionary.com

Absolute confidence. Our society tends to function on self confidence and achievement …allowing skepticism and divide to flourish.  We’re created to have confidence in the Truth, not ourselves. We are no more responsible for the salary we collect than we are for the century-old trees that live outside our widows.

When we place our belief in our omnipotent God, He takes our trust and turn our heads in the direction He’s purposed of our lives. It might not make sense to us, and we might sweat along the way …but to witness His magic is worth the wait.

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Father, Praise You for the dusting of grace that Jesus blesses us with through this verse today. Thank You for holding us accountable for believing, first and foremost. Forgive us for sidelining You when we’re too busy trying to figure life out on our own. Help us to surrender each day to You, as a gift worth waiting for. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Pixie-dust Catching,


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  1. I love this spirit of believing and pixie dust. <3 So glad I stopped by for the reminder of believing in His grace. It's been a little while but I always enjoy your beautiful posts. xoxo I hope you have an incredibly blessed pixie dusted week!! xo