jammed daily devo

The Little Hugs (#jammed daily devo,day 287)

October 14, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

October #jammed: Free Grace.

Day 287: Small but fierce.

“I took a moment to take it all in.” Proverbs 24:32

day 287

Little arms outstretched and wide-open smiles of excitement always greet me when I
substitute at the local elementary school. The feeling is mutual.  There’s so much to learn from little people. It’s no wonder God tells us to have faith like a child.

It’s easy to forget the spark of Light that gave us life. The Father that knit talents and strengths into the core of who we are. We are tempted to assume accomplishment for our life’s acheivements in a jaded and entitled society.

In today’s verse, Solomon is talking about a field that he has passed. Good soil, that hasn’t been cared for to produce the potential it is capable of.  We, too,  become satisfied with what we can do and account for.

But, we’re sent to love …and love is a verb. It requires us to work with our gifts so that we may be in the position God purposefully placed us to be …an extension of love to the people He’s placed in our paths. What are we doing with what He’s given us?

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw. Proverbs 24:32

There will never be a time when there’s nothing left for us to learn. God’s Living Word is endlessly teaching us, because each day brings a different challenge or triumph for Him to walk us through. Setting Him aside as if there’s nothing left to learn is like taking the groceries out of our car and throwing them right in the trash …as if there’s no use in walking out the steps in between.

He is life, and He’s given a piece of it to us so that we may love Him back and seek His presence. No matter how many meals we waste, He’ll embrace us. Jesus made that possible on the cross. It’s never too late to start working with what He’s given us. It’s never too late to open His book. It’s never to late to pray His Son into our hearts.

#jammed click to tweet jun:jul:augFather, Praise You for little people and the lessons their hugs seal in our souls. Thank You for the endless opportunities You give us to be forgiven through Jesus’ death on the cross. Forgive us for taking credit for the life You’ve woven into the threads of who we are. Bless us to get up and follow Christ, so we may see and know the good plans You promise for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Happy Learning,


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