jammed daily devo

The Upstairs (#jammed daily devo, day

March 2, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 61: Fear of what’s there.

 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14

When my family brought our puppy home last year, we embarked on a brand new journey post-image-61of dog ownership. She’s our first dog, and we have no clue what we’re doing most of the time. The paranoia of sharing space with a pet that can pee all over the place and chew everything in site is dulling down, now. So, we decided it was time to take her …upstairs.

Going upstairs had been out of the question for the first year of the puppy’s life. When we started to coax her upstairs, she looked at us like we were crazy. In fact, the first several days we had to carry her up there. The next few weeks that followed we just had to drag her for the first few steps. Now, she happily follows right behind us.

Something changed when she discovered the upstairs. Our sweet dog got even sweeter. She’s calmed down a little, and snuggles us more. Not just at the foot of our beds, but wherever we were. If we’re not careful, what we don’t know can unnecessarily scare us. Looking back, I wonder if it was hard for her sleep downstairs at night without us. 

This verse in Matthew, today, illustrates the power of forgiveness.

“The Bible tells us we need to confront issues. Some of you are trying to get away from some things that you need to go through. Anytime your running from something or hiding from something, it has power and authority over you.” Joyce Meyer, You Can Begin Again.

When we leave things to fester and bother us, we cannot experience the full peace of Christ. He died so that we can come to the Father with our sins and be forgiven. It should be no great shakes for us to forgive others, too. Whether we think they deserve it or not, understand what they are going through or not, or receive forgiveness in return …we must forgive. Our hearts cannot rest peacefully until we let Him upstairs.

jammed-tweet-blueFather, Praise You for the sweet lessons You weave into life. Thank You for pets that make our hearts feel so full, and forgiveness that calms our weary souls. We confess bitterness, jealousy and stubbornness that prevent us from forgiving others and asking for forgives. Bless our hearts with Your wisdom, and the fortitude to follow it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Does your pet sleep at near you at night? Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Going Upstairs,


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  1. Lindsay says:

    This is a great reminder and a perfect blog For me to read this morning❤️

    Forgiveness is a very important key to a happy life, God helped me forgive… and I continue to have to pray to forgive this same person, but I know it’s the right thing to do….and it’s what God wants

    sweet cherry You have the sweetest funniest dog!!! But that doesn’t surprise me one bit

  2. Lindsay says:

    This is a great reminder and a perfect blog For me to read this morning❤️

    Forgiveness is a very important key to a happy life, God helped me forgive… and I continue to have to pray to forgive this same person, but I know it’s the right thing to do….and it’s what God wants

    sweet cherry You have the sweetest funniest dog!!! But that doesn’t surprise me one bit