jammed daily devo

The Thrills (#jammed daily devo, day 325)

November 21, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

November #jammed: Gracious.

Day 325: Thankful for thrills.

 I am the first.
    And to the very last, I am the One. Isaiah 41:4

She walked up to the height measuring stick in full confidence that she had grown tall 325enough to ride. I glanced up at the giant steel roller coaster and imagined my kid falling out of it. Trying to brace myself for this moment, I began forming a plan to hold on to her so she didn’t fall out. My mind just kept going back to her falling out.

“Step up here,” the employee directed her, and to my delight, “not quite yet,” rolled out of his mouth. My sanity was saved for another day as she missed it by less than an eight of an inch.

Today’s verse reminds us that God was here at the beginning, and He will be here at the end. As parents, we worry about our kids falling out. But it’s good to be reminded that God is watching over their generation just as He has been watching over every other one from the beginning of time.

We can’t rely on our strength to let go. That’s something that comes from faith, and in remembering the truth that is written in His word. When we allow our lives to be led by Christ, worries can be turned into joyous victories. Tap into faith, and out of the ring with fear and anxiety.

Just as I was His before I was my mother’s …so my daughter’s are His before they are mine. He will protect them, guard them, love them, and chase after them …beyond my ability to teach them and guide them.

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for being there for every generation, throughout all of time. Thank You for comforting us as we parent our children, reminding us that they are Yours, too. Bless us to trust You and have faith in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Thrill-seeking,


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  1. Jim says:

    Thanks Megs. – love your insights and comments :)))

  2. Jim says:

    Thanks Megs. – love your insights and comments :)))