jammed daily devo

The Snotty Sleeves (#jammed daily devo, day 96)

April 6, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

April #jammed: Grace Studies.

Day 96: Streaked in it.

 Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other children because he came along when he was an old man. So Israel presented Joseph with a special robe he had made for him—a spectacularly colorful robe with long sleeves in it.” Genesis 37:3

Long sleeves …as someone who loves to be around kids, I witness a lot of snotty sleeves. image-96My kids do it, your kids do it, they all do it. Regardless of the full Kleenex box perched right within their reach, the travel packs shoved into their book bags and pockets, and the many warnings not to wipe their noses on their sleeves …one walk down an elementary-school hallway will prove what actually happens when their little noses run.

Big, snotty streams of nastiness get wiped onto their sleeves.

It’s so gross, but they are so cute …we snuggle them anyway. It doesn’t deter our love, nor does it make us think less of them. Well, if they’re not your own you might be tempted to ..but don’t- I guarantee you …your kid does it too.

In today’s verse, we read of Joseph’s multi-colored, long-sleeved coat. Although everyone wore one of these garments, not all had colors and long sleeves.

“The tunic-coat was a close-fitting undergarment worn by both men and women …the tunic worn by the priests had long sleeves… ” Encyclopedia of the Bible

What in the world does this have to do with snotty-kid sleeves? No matter how disgusting those sleeves look, even to us, we love them no less. In our eyes, they haven’t become detestable on account of their bad habits. Today’s verse said that Joseph came along when he was an old man. He appreciated Joseph! No matter what his bad habits were. Just as God celebrates and appreciates us, waiting patiently for us to walk out the days that He has numbered.

Life can seem comparative if we don’t look through the eyes of Jesus. People pick favorites, but God does not. Jesus looks at each of us like Israel looked at Joseph. With so much love that we are unmistakable to Him. So much love that He went to the cross for us. He recognizes us, and loves us for who we are. We are walking in special, colorful, long-sleeved robes when we link arms with the One who calls us His. Look in the mirror and see His colors shining through you each day. You are beautiful to Him. 

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for colorful coats! And thank You for people we adore, like Israel did Joseph. But let us always remember that You do not have a rating system for people as we do. Forgive us for playing favorites and casing labels on those who You deem special, chosen, worthy, and loved. Bless us to be strengthened  by the Spirit to see the good that You placed in each person. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Coloring,


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