jammed daily devo

The Last Wave (#jammed daily devo, day 70)

March 11, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 70: When good-bye isn’t really good-bye.

“I now realize that this is our last good-bye.” Acts 20:25post-image-70

“Paul had survived shipwrecks, a stoning, beatings and long nights in jail, and fear had never stopped him …The more I read about Paul, the more I discover that much like the things he endured,  his emotional intensity was a little overly dramatic.

In his typical brazen style, Paul asked to address the unruly crowd, using the occasion to confront them with his life’s testimony. The crowd listened until he got to the part about his mission to the Gentiles; then it erupted.” -NIV Student Bible Notes

It’s hard to say good-bye, and even a brazen Paul appeared seemed emotionally moved at saying good-bye to his friends. “You have been like family in all my travels to proclaim the kingdom of God, but after today none of you will see my face again.” Acts 20:25

Allowing our inner dramatics to reveal authentic emotion is the key to being real. Whether it’s sadness, shock, or jubilee, the initial rush of reaction reveals an important piece of our human character.  Packed-down emotions cause problems inside and out. We want the sweet souls God blessed us with to know how much we care, as I’m sure Paul did as he said good-bye. It’s OK to release the “Jesus freak” in display of our passion for the Him. Raw emotion can produce fast-flying testimony.

“Keeping ourselves in the love of God is the way to end well.” Judah Smith, Life Is __.

It’s important to embrace the Truth in God’s Word, and take our dramatics to Him in prayer as we process change healthily. Sometimes, doors close completely. Other times, space is a blessing. Good-bye isn’t always good-bye. Even in death. For we know that good-bye, for all those who hold Jesus so tightly in their hearts, will be wiped away in glorious reunion in heaven.

jammed-tweet-blueFather, You are wise to grow us beyond our understanding. Praise You for the lessons born out of heartache and trial, for they produce such character and love. Down paths we may never have traveled, we discover blessing beyond measure. Forgive us for drawing in frustration instead of embracing You. Bless us to seek Your truth in times of sad good-byes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What brings out your inner drama momma? Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Waving,


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