jammed daily devo

The Christmas Music (#jammed daily devo, day 335.)

December 1, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

December #jammed: Grace, gifted.

Day 335: Tune in.

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
    You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
 that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
    O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” Psalm 30:11-12

Nature’s peaceful change of color and crisp Northern breeze indicate the peaceful hush DECJAM1of winter snow is near. Though winter days are shorter and colder, the sound that celebrates our Savior’s arrival on earth warms the heart. I start listening to Christmas carols the day after Halloween …if I can’t wait that long.

“I have to make sure I have enough time to rotate through all of my favorites!” I justify.

In Psalm 30, David proclaims that he will never stop singing praise to God. He will dance joyfully all of his days, for the way God has healed and rescued him. Over the course of David’s scarred life, time had worn a path of gratitude for the God who never gave up on him, despite his fallen humanity and tendency towards sin. Theres so much to be encouraged by when we step back and look at David’s war-torn life. David, “a man after God’s own heart,” who started as a shepherd overlooked by his own father …was chosen by God to defeat a giant and lead a land.

Christmas carols sing of Jesus’ birth …and Santa …and reindeer …and decking the halls … No amount of commercialism has the power to drown-out the sound of Joy. 

Do we still say “Merry Christmas?”Don’t be deterred. David wasn’t. I’m not.

Turn up the carols and jump into the season with joy and gladness. Everyday we arise, we wake up to another day gifted to us. Jesus’ arrival on earth was the biggest gift of all time. He didn’t have to, and He doesn’t make us. But, oh, do we have the opportunity to walk through each day and this life with the Savior of the world by our side.

carol- an old round dance with singing. (Merriam-Webster)

Round. It’s no surprise that the very tag we label seasonal songs with brings us full circle and face to face singing and dancing with our Savior.

I feel David.

Christmas is not just a “Happy Holiday,” it’s the day the world was given a chance to walk with God, side by side. And when He died …He left the legacy of His Spirit to abide in us for all time.

God with us.


Break out the Happy Birthday Jesus cake, and deck all of the halls. It’s Christmastime. I will dance with joy, and never stop singing, of the miracle Jesus is to me.

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Father, Praise You for Christmas Carols. Thank You for holiday traditions that surround us with all things that remind and cover us in Your love. Forgive us for living small at Christmastime, and help us to shelve “Happy Holidays,” for “Merry Christmas,” from now on. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Caroling,


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