jammed daily devo

The Car Rides (#jammed daily devo, day 126)

May 6, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

May #jammed: Growing Grace.

Day 126: Keep traveling.

And as for those who are skilled in their work,
    they will be recognized and invited to serve kings
    rather than regular folk.” Proverbs 22:29 (VOICE)

The soundtrack of two school-days played back at once, as we drove down the familiar image-126stretch of highway. Leftovers from lunch wafted through the vents and another layer of stickiness topped with crumbs fell onto the seats and the floor mats. Laughter from the good parts, and tears from the hard parts …their conversation is the most important part.

Today’s verse explains the striking realization that we are not put here to work as the world works. We are put here to work for Him.

“The lesson is that kings recruit the best.” Zondervan Bible Commentary

Our routine shuttling and honoring of commitments forms heartfelt moments of friendship as fellow daughters of the King. We go to Him for advice, together and separately, because we know He has the most important thing to say. God knows our hearts and our purpose, and so we trust Him. I trust Him, and lead the two beautiful girls He has lent me to care for in that way as well.

We are chosen, loved, worthy, and ‘best.’ In God’s eyes, we are not who we are but who He made us to be before we were. Finding it is not always easy. Sometimes, we may discover that what we though ‘it’ was led us to where we were supposed to be. Life can only be lived one day at a time, no matter how hard we try to squeeze more out of it.

Jesus lived each day to the fullest, because He remained in conversation with His Father. When we walk with our Savior, we are savoring time. When we learn to live in the pocket of His existence, we experience the peace of His love. It will feel awkward in the world, but oh …in that pocket …life is good. No matter how hard life pushes, stay in His lane for you.

jammed-click-to-tweetFather, Praise You for the pocket of existence that You have purposed for each of us. Thank You for guiding us daily through prayer and Your Word. Both privileges we experience because of Jesus’ death on the cross. Bless us to remember You in every conversation, and work hard at what You’ve called us to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Commuting,


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