jammed daily devo

The 31 Squares (#jammed daily devo day 19)

January 19, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

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January #jammed : Grace in Life’s Face

Day 19: Lend Grace Our Calendar

“There Jesus grew up, maturing is physical strength and increasing in wisdom, and the grace of God rested on Him.” Luke 2:40 (VOICE)

The number of minutes in a month’s block cannot encompass our expectations, but God’s jammed-19crafted each day with enough time to accomplish His will. I want to shed a self-pitiful tear ever time I see a calendar square that’s so full I have to click to see the rest of it.

God took thirty years’ worth of days to prepare and equip His Son, but human nature caters to the rush. Jesus’ ministry didn’t begin until His thirties. Failure to prepare is like trying to squeeze a hot glue gun before it has warmed up. Nothing we rush ever sticks.

I love that today’s verse says that” God’s grace rested on Him.”  Motherhood has taught me the value of resting in God’s grace. When we seek God’s will through prayer and study of His Word, He will busy our lives with purposeful activity.

Jesus came to earth as a funny, patient, and kind man. He performed miracles, yet He simply walked most everywhere He went. He prayed to His Father before, throughout, and after every circumstance. He leaned on the truth in God’s living Word as the basis for all He did.

jammed-tweet-blueThe path to more fulfilling calendar squares is to walk with Christ.

Father, You are powerful to know our purpose, and just in how You lead us there. Thank you for sending Your Son Jesus to earth, so that we may look to His steps as proof of Your grace and direction of our hope. Forgive us for skipping over Your preparation, and thank You for always being there with a re-do. Never forsaking us, always loving us. We pray for Your help to obey and grow in maturity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What square of your life is jammed too full to hear God’s voice? Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Planning!


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  1. This is a great, thought-provoking post!