jammed daily devo

The Goggles (#jammed daily devo, day 42)

February 11, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

February #jammed: Dunked in Grace 

Day 42: Clear Vision Requires Graceful Sight.

“I ritually cleanse you through baptism as a mark of turning your life around. But someone is coming after me, someone whose sandals I am not fit to carry, someone who is more powerful than I. He will wash you not in water but in fire and with the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 3:11 (VOICE)post-image-42

Finding a pair of goggles that don’t leak allow us to see things clearly underwater. The
water stings our eyes without a protective cover, and they itch and burn for hours afterwards.

When John baptized with water, he realized that he could only symbolize what Christ would accomplish.  He could see glimpses of what would happen next, but was not privy to the sight until Jesus walked into the water one day for John to baptize Him. When God spoke though those clouds, “this is my Son, with whom I’m well pleased,” the goggles dropped right onto John’s face and he saw clearly what had been told.

Swimming through life without Christ will make our eyes sting and burn. It’s not possible for us to see the dream God has for our lives on our own. We don’t have to wait for goggles to see clearly, we just have to open our eyes. Jesus is here. Now. A simple prayer to ask Him into our lives will clear our vision forever.

jammed-tweet-blueJesus, I believe in You. I accept You as my Savior. Forgive me for my sins and walk with me forevermore. Amen.

Did you just pray that prayer for the first time? Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Seeing,


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  1. Lindsay says:

    Love this My biggest struggle is to not let life and days fly by without letting go and letting God, I think it’s hard when your kids are so little and every minute of the day is a schedule… but waking up and reading your blogs every morning (I may not always have time to comment but always rate it a 5 star bc they are great) makes me start my day with the lord so thank you for that!!