jammed daily devo

The Actual Friend (#jammed daily devo, day 283)

October 10, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

October #jammed: Free Grace.

Day 283: There, always.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 

The powder blue carpet was indented from the last set of furniture to reside upon it. day 283Windows streamed in moonlight and walls half-filled with pink flowers looked back at me, beckoning me to consider the possibilities. But all I could focus on were the tears dropping onto the shamrocks my classmates had sent me away with. I missed sisterly bunk-bed full of laughter, and the corner desk light where Dad would draw our silhouettes against the wood-paneled walls.

The quiet new street was missing the backyard buddies I had grown up with. The new school was full of people who were already friends. At eight, I felt overwhelmed and afraid.

But somehow I knew I wasn’t completely alone. The hand on my shoulder assured me that I wouldn’t travel through life alone. He was already there, always had been, and always would be. And oh, how I would lean on Him over the years. Through many more forever good-byes, heart aches I feared I’d never recover from, and messes I bare scars from.

Jesus has pulled me though this life. Everything good that has come out of my life has been on account of the grace He left on the cross for me to receive. I believe because I know Him.  I looked for Him, and He was there. Whenever I look for Him, He is there.

Today’s verse tells us to seek Him. Within the journey of walking with Him, He grows us into the righteous people we were created to be.

His righteousness -the righteous life that God requires. -NIV Notes

With that righteousness comes unbelievable triumph in the face of adversity and pain. Futures we wouldn’t pick and goals we never would have imagined striving for. He reveals to us who we are.

given- presented as a gift :  bestowed without compensation. -Merriam Webster

Grace is the peaceful feeling of the world being lifted off of our shoulders …like that first night in my new room as a child. He swoops in with peace, proclaiming we are His, and the rest is walked out through life in steps.

#jammed click to tweet jun:jul:augFather, Praise You for being there. Thank You for finding us when we need You the most, and comforting us with love and assurance. Forgive us for passing You by in times of hurt, and bless us with strong hearts that lean on You for strength when times are hard. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Friending,


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