jammed daily devo

The Elf Slippers (#jammed daily devo, day 337)

December 3, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

December #jammed: Grace …gifted.

Day 337 Hear them here.

“No word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37 

“Ring, ring, ring …ring, ring …ring, ring, ring …” came the sound of elf slippers.  They DECJAM3jingled their Christmas magic all throughout the house, reminding every ear what season it was. There will be a day, coming way too soon I fear, when they will be too old and too cool to wear slippers that jingle. But for now, I relish in every ring of them.

Many moms dread the days when the house is quiet and the Christmas traditions move on to new homes with younger children. They keep growing older, and we are tempted to feel less needed and a lot more frantic about who we are without them.

Today’s verse from Luke is our assurance that God will honor every promise He’s ever made to us. God honored His promise of a Savior in an extravagant way.  Through a virgin, Mary, born in a manger. Our Father not only promises to love us extravagantly, but He goes out of the ordinary to make sure we feel His love.

When Jesus died for us, it was in no less of an awe-striking way. ON a cross. Crucified. The babe in the manger, hung like a criminal. The Savior of the world. But …He promised. And what the Lord promises …

Do we realize that His love is like those elf slipper bells? When the things we think we need to do aren’t needing any doing anymore …He is still here …with us. He promises to be. And what the Lord promises …

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Father, Praise You for never leaving us alone. Thank You for honoring Your promises to us …from the extravagant to the seemingly minute in our own personal lives. You are there for us. You are here. Forgive us for overlooking Your presence in our attempt to rush through our checklist, and bless our hearts to feel the fullness of Your Peace …all of our days. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Ringing,


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