jammed daily devo

The Police Reports (#jammed daily devo, day 81)

March 22, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 81: What we don’t want to know.

Do you understand how the clouds float,
those wonderful works of Him who has perfect knowledge?” Job 37:16post-image-81

There’s a social media feed that pokes fun at one of the local police scanners in our area. It’s hilarious, really. Pets getting lose, odd sightings and off-the-wall reports. But recently, I sat down to scroll through the actual reports …and was surprised by what I wasn’t aware of. Beyond the normal assumption that criminals are caught and the innocent are protected are the numbing stories behind the names up top.

“Who are they?” my heart wants to know.

“What happened …what is their story …do they have a family …what exactly did they do?”

The reports only list the call the officer responded to. Professionals that are privy to this kind of information alongside the backstory are gifted beyond what they realize. What the general public doesn’t know is that someone’s life just changed …or ended …or ceased to be as they knew it.

What happens when we are able to read all of the information? Information overload. Recently, I decided to read all of the food labels as I grocery shopped. All of them. The headache that I brought up to the check out line with my groceries was no joke. Turns out, the food industry isn’t sneaking anything by us …it’s all on the label. Once I took the time to read it and educate myself on what I was fueling my ‘temple’ with, I felt better -physically and mentally.

“It will take a little detective work, but learning to be a smart label reader is one of the most important things you can do for your health and the health of your family.” The Daniel Plan

Whether it’s paying more attention to what we consume or showing more concern for who we don’t know, it’s empowering to read beyond the minimum requirements. When we dig into information we are exposed to, we find people to love on. My family is healthier because of my obedience to God’s ‘healthy’ nudge. Listening to His movement in our lives and reaching out to the names placed in front of our eyes is a life lived in the trenches with Jesus. Those are His people. We are His people. Are we reading deep enough to love?

jammed-tweet-blueFather, Praise You for doctors, social workers, and public service professionals. For parents, pastors, and people that do something to love on others. Thank You for the big, compassionate hearts You created in us, and forgive for shutting off the valve and putting on the blinders. Bless us to see who needs us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Label-reading,


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  1. sarahgirl3 says:

    I feel your pain on label reading. Those long words that mean nothing to me! Whew!

  2. When we dig into information we are exposed to, we find people to love on…so true and a great reminder to go deeper!