jammed daily devo

The Milestone Ornaments (#jammed daily devo, day 338)

December 4, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

December #jammed: Grace, gifted.

Day 338: The Real Meaning, Reeled in.

“My soul lifts up the Lord! My spirit celebrates my God, my Liberator!” Luke 1:46-47 (VOICE)

Moms start celebrating their babies as soon as they know a little seed has sprouted life DECJAM4inside of their womb. Sometimes, it happens even sooner than that! Nurseries are decorated and baby bump sizes are recorded. Plans are made and books are read, especially in anticipation of that first child. Every Christmas, another ornament is added to the tree in honor of that child.

The blessing of life is overwhelming for any mother …but can we imagine for a moment how Mary felt? Today’s verse is the beginning of a song that is sometimes referred to as the “Magnificat,” because the opening word, in Latin, means “glorified.” (NIV Notes) Mary’s heart overflowed in praise. I wonder how she marked the milestones of Jesus’ childhood!

Purposefully remembering the moments leading up to the manger lends new meaning to His life’s affect on ours. 

The history of my little girls is evident everywhere I gaze. Tiny baby footprints and photos of little faces. Each Christmas, we choose to mark the memories of baby Jesus’ arrival, on our Advent tree. Each day leading up to Christmas, we traditionally read a verse and attach an ornament that represents a Biblical memory of the days leading up to Jesus’ birth.

His life surrounds us. Do we know it? Can we read this passage from Mary and feel her excitement? Not just as a mother, but as a child of God? A child who knew her Father was coming to set she and her people free …through a Son she would give birth to.

Being the mother of humans is an emotional ride …but Mary …oh, how her heart must have burst in humility and grace to feel the Son of God doing somersaults in her belly, and see His sweet face lying in the manger. The young boy who would grow to perform miracles and sacrifice to save us all.

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Father, Praise You for Mary! The story You accomplished through her life, and the lessons that we are still gleaning from her humble obedience guide us and comfort us. Thank You for the special way that You minister to mothers’ hearts, and forgive us for failing to remember Your mark on every life. Bless us to guide all little feet to Yours, Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Tree-trimming!


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