jammed daily devo

The Sound of Our Song (#jammed daily devo, day 299)

October 26, 2018

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

October #jammed: Free Grace.

Day 299: Get life in tune. 

“I could speak more of faith; I could talk until time itself ran out. If I continued, I could speak of the examples of Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, of David and Samuel and all the prophets.” Hebrews 11:32

day 299

My favorite songs are the ones that speak to my soul louder than any tune …the words
God inspires me to write steer my life. It’s the way that He teaches me and leads me.

His creativity manifests itself in our souls. We are the product of a creative God. It makes sense to have a side that needs to express the inner workings of our minds. It’s how we relate to Him, and to each other.

In today’s verse, we are reminded of our importance in the lives that have and will continue to pass. There were many more names and stories that could have been entered into the Bible, and our lives are no less significant. There is a fractured piece of light in everyone’s heart.

Deborah didn’t clamor for position. She simply positioned herself to be used by God. She wasn’t rude, but she was straight-forward. -Lysa TerKeurst, First 5, Judges 4

Some of the people God uses the most in my life are women I’ve never met. Not just Biblical, like Deborah, but writers that obey God and write down what’s happening in their lives and relate it to His Word.

We get off course when we are more concerned with vocalizing our opinion than simply stating God’s truth.- Lysa TerKeurst, First 5, Judges 4

When we focus on our voices being heard, we miss the opportunity to relay the Voice of the One who is far more valuable and wise and worthy to be heard. I admire the way these women step out of the way and leave their lives dripping wet from His washing to quench our thirst for more of Him.

God desires followers who willingly come along-side Him to accomplish His work. -Wendy Blight, First 5, Judges 5

He reaches through our lives and into another’s.  When we walk with Jesus, there’s no telling how many people He’s loved on through us.

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Father, Praise You for spiritual leaders that give You all the glory. Thank You for their honest testimony and desire to share Your word. We confess making excuses for the time we lack to sit in Your presence and read You Word. Help refocus our days and our lives to put You first. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Seeking,


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