jammed daily devo

The Winter Fish (#jammed daily devo, day 74)

March 15, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

March #jammed: Grace Revealed.

Day 74: When it’s not supposed to be there.

“All the things the world can offer to you—the allure of pleasure, the passion to have things, and the pompous sense of superiority—do not come from the Father. These are the rotten fruits of this world.” 1 John 2:16post-image-74

Red and green navigation lights beamed off the lake before the sun’s appearance. Warm days during the winter solstice will pack the boat ramp fast, as fisherman rush to catch the winter fish.

This old distance runner knows the feeling of having to wait around until it’s OK to train again, and I imagine those fisherman couldn’t wait to putt out into the freshly freed icy water. Injury after injury has proven healthy for my passion. During each season of wait and angst, I am more secure in who I am without running. In fact, “runner” doesn’t define as much of me as it used to. I’m a lot less relient on it to feel OK.

“Being full of God’s love settles, empowers, and brings out the best of who we are.” Lisa TerKeurst, Uninvited

God’s love is the key. My morning run always included time with my Jesus. Striding along the lake at sunrise, it was always impossible to separate Him from my what I saw. But what I love about God is that He wanted more.

When I can, I hit the pavement after I linger with my Father. But it’s not necessary to “have a good day,” or “run out the stress of life,” or “stay healthy and fit.” Hope deferred reveals Jesus to be all we need. He can do infinitely  more that we realize with who we already are.

Today’s verse warns us not to be extreme about things. Relationships, passions, and possessions. The only thing first should be the One who was, is, and ever will be first.

jammed-tweet-blueFather, Praise You for our passions! Thank You for creating a world full of adventure, and for wiring us to be happy people. Forgive us for seeking happiness outside of You, and bless us to put You first all the days of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What passion do you struggle not to put first? Get the conversation started by commenting below, and let’s encourage one another as we face life in 2017 armed with grace! 


Happy Empowering,


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  1. Being Woven says:

    I put far more things first that are not even passions. Your words and thoughts guide me to the One Who is far more important than the “stuff” I tend to rush into “doing” right out of the gates. Thank you, Megs

  2. Being Woven says:

    I put far more things first that are not even passions. Your words and thoughts guide me to the One Who is far more important than the “stuff” I tend to rush into “doing” right out of the gates. Thank you, Megs

  3. I’m trying to be more aware of what pursuits pour into my passions, Meg, and give my focus to those things. But I’m also trying to cut back on things that pull away from my passions. That’s the hardest part because I really like a lot of things/people! Lol! I’m trying to let God lead me and also listening for when He tells me to be still or go a different way. Thought provoking post, my friend!

    • Megs says:

      Oh, I really like hot you put that …the hardest part being you like a lot of things/people. I relate! Oh, my word, I relate! Thank you so much for being here, today. Happy Wednesday!

  4. I’m trying to be more aware of what pursuits pour into my passions, Meg, and give my focus to those things. But I’m also trying to cut back on things that pull away from my passions. That’s the hardest part because I really like a lot of things/people! Lol! I’m trying to let God lead me and also listening for when He tells me to be still or go a different way. Thought provoking post, my friend!

    • Megs says:

      Oh, I really like hot you put that …the hardest part being you like a lot of things/people. I relate! Oh, my word, I relate! Thank you so much for being here, today. Happy Wednesday!

  5. I think my passions often get shoved behind just the random busyness of life. I have to be intentional about seeking God in the midst, and also about not allowing my own ideas and timelines to steal grace. He is our sufficiency, and that’s a beautiful place to linger.

  6. I think my passions often get shoved behind just the random busyness of life. I have to be intentional about seeking God in the midst, and also about not allowing my own ideas and timelines to steal grace. He is our sufficiency, and that’s a beautiful place to linger.

  7. sarahgirl3 says:

    Writing can take over my life if I let it. I have to make myself take a break, but it is always helpful!

  8. sarahgirl3 says:

    Writing can take over my life if I let it. I have to make myself take a break, but it is always helpful!