
What Does It Mean? (Christmas Advent Series, Intro.)

December 7, 2019

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

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The world comes into focus as we discover Christmas. Each year God peels back a layer, rich with newly appreciated memories and formative ones of the present. I look forward to it more and more …and begin to celebrate, decorate, and sing carols earlier and earlier with each passing year …in anticipation of the magical way God reveals Himself during the Christmas season.

There’s something uniquely grand about the birthday celebration that greed attempts to block out and political correctness to subdue. Carefully crafted by it’s Creator, and grandly announced by angels, it’s impossible to squelch the hope of the entire planet birthed.

What does it mean?


Join me as I unwrap new presents of this Christmas’ presence …in the Christmas Series …”What does it mean?” Follow this 4-part series by downloading the free Study Guide that accompanies the videos/posts below!

Happy Christmas,


Click below or on the image to download the free “What Does it Mean” Study Guide!

What Does it Mean Study Guide best pdf

What Does It Mean Study Guide Cover pic

Click here for Week 1: NOEL

Click here for Week 2: EMMANUEL

Click here for Week 3: JOY

Click here for Week 4: MERRY

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  1. Rob says:

    Your article titled “What Does it Mean That the Gate Is Narrow in Matthew 7”, proves without a doubt you are not saved. You are trusting in Lordship salvation which is a damnable doctrine that will split Hell wide open. You dont give your life to Christ for salvation, He gave His life for you. If you add any requirement on top of faith on Christ, you are “frustrating” the gift of God as Galatians 2 says. Galatians 5:1-4 warns if you think any act of obedience has ANY merit to your salvation, then “Christ has become of no effect unto you.” Stop trusting in your works. Being a follower/disciple of Christ is different from salvation. Discipleship and Justification are separate. You’re combining the too. John Piper is a devil and will burn in Hell for all eternity. So will Washer, MacArthur, RC Sproul, etc…