What Does it Mean? Christmas Series

“What Does It Mean?” Week 3: Joy.

December 19, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg


A source or cause of delight –Merriam-Websterjoy-image-1

Joy differs from happiness in that it is an emotion.  -Wikipedia

Is there greater delight than the wonder of Santa, or the glee witnessed as a child unwraps the present they wished for? Can there be a sweeter tear than the touch of a Christmas memory?


Set a part from the fleeting feeling of happiness, joy defines what Jesus came to give.  It’s constancy flows through the entirety of our days, and allows us to laugh our way back to right. Joy is accepting who we are in confidence that we are cared for.

Acceptance & The ‘Damn’ Centers

Joy is the acceptance for who we are by the One who made us.

“Sarah said, ‘God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.'” Genesis 21:6

joy-tweet-1She was ninety …of course she laughed at the thought of giving birth. (Genesis  18)  Yet as God promised, she and her 100-year old husband Abraham had a son named Isaac …which means “he laughs.”

We often place God far off in the distance or high in the sky. But one of the endearing qualities of the Lord is that He is funny. I believe, in reverence, that Biblical conversations reflect the humor of a God for whom nothing is impossible. How often are we able to make light of our circumstances? Life isn’t always funny, but it is overflowing with joy …if we choose to accept it.

joy image 3.jpgMy six-year-old daughter exudes joy. It’s hard to discipline her with a straight face. When I asked her one afternoon why she had to stay in for recess, she said:

“I had to finish my damn centers,”  and rolled her eyes.

What else could I do but excuse myself to die of laughter?  She’s six! #longroad It further confirmed the spitfire personality that I love, along with the list of reasons she’ll never be allowed to go on spring break…

“Lo” doesn’t fall in line or take adults too seriously. Her laugh is loud and ever-present. I may joke about her tendency to test the rules, but embrace the tender heart behind those twinkling blue eyes. My love for her allows me to witness the brightness of her light.

God is not surprised by us. He loves the complete creation, and we are made to journey in joy! His love doesn’t lessen when we fall down. In fact, He seeks to share a laugh with us and reveal joy in hard moments. He’s accepted us. That’s why Jesus was born.

Christmas is closeness with God.

Confidence …For the Birds

Joy is the attitude of gratitude.

joy-tweet-3In the North where I live, Christmastime signals every bird that can’t bear the winter’s cold to start flocking together.  Millions of birds dance together in the sky, instinctively gathering and swooping and soaring until they’ve accumulated enough of a mass to drift as a dark “bird cloud” away with the warm air.

“…Look at them fly. It looks like God is taking pretty good care of them, doesn’t it? Remember that you are more precious to God than birds!” Luke 12:24

Birds are not even in my top 100 of favorite …or even likable creatures. Yet, over the years, I’ve come to admire the way they just know what to do.

“…God cares for every little sparrow …Since you are so much more precious to God than a thousand flocks of sparrows, and since God knows you in every detail—down to the number of hairs on your head at this moment—you can be secure and unafraid…” Luke 12:6-7

Birds don’t realize they are small or incapable. They operate confidently on carefully designed instinct.

“My little flock, don’t be afraid. God is your Father, and your Father’s great joy is to give you His kingdom.”Luke 12:32

Humans seek to be loved because deep within the design of our nature is a Creator who is love. Our confidence is found in Him, through Jesus.


He came into this world a small baby in a manger. His light caused others to flock to Him and follow Him, shifting and moving and gathering and cackling and spreading the Word. Long after Christ gave His human life on the cross, the birds continued to fly and stories of Jesus spread. His Word still flutters and gathers. Christian faith is moving and shifting. God’s not surprised. We all instinctively seek the joy of Jesus.

    He is the light who reveals Your message to the other nations,
        and He is the shining glory of Your covenant people, Israel.” Luke 2:32 (The Voice)

Joy to the world, indeed. The greatest gift. #yulesee 

Happy Christmas,


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  1. Liz Giertz says:

    I love that… “Christmas is closeness with God.” Jesus is God WITH us! Now, that’s something to rejoice over indeed! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Isn’t it fun when we learn from the open hearted joy of our kids? And, also a north-dweller, I’m loving your thoughts about the birds. It’s a challenge to keep the feeders filled as they rally around the food trying to burn calories and stay warm.

  3. Isn’t it fun when we learn from the open hearted joy of our kids? And, also a north-dweller, I’m loving your thoughts about the birds. It’s a challenge to keep the feeders filled as they rally around the food trying to burn calories and stay warm.

  4. bcb0 says:

    Ooh, I was about to say the same thing that I see Liz just told you. Love your sentiment, “Christmas is closeness with God.” Isn’t it though? I mean, Immanuel — God with us. And, so often we forget to invite God into His own party. Forgive us, Lord. — Good to see you, Meg. Lovely post, thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  5. bcb0 says:

    Ooh, I was about to say the same thing that I see Liz just told you. Love your sentiment, “Christmas is closeness with God.” Isn’t it though? I mean, Immanuel — God with us. And, so often we forget to invite God into His own party. Forgive us, Lord. — Good to see you, Meg. Lovely post, thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  6. Anne Watson says:

    I don’t think I could even follow the Lord if he weren’t funny. Funny is my love language because it, like your daughter, exudes joy. Love this post!

  7. Rachel says:

    I like how you said, “He seeks to share a laugh with us and reveal joy in hard moments.” I definitely can relate to this. I have found that I have experienced the greatest joy from the Lord when I am in the middle of hard times. Have a lovely Christmas!

  8. Rachel says:

    I like how you said, “He seeks to share a laugh with us and reveal joy in hard moments.” I definitely can relate to this. I have found that I have experienced the greatest joy from the Lord when I am in the middle of hard times. Have a lovely Christmas!

  9. saleslady371 says:

    Your daughter reminds me of my granddaughter and all the joy she brings me. I look forward to her visits and I like to think about all the joy the Lord brings in the ordinary days of my life.

  10. saleslady371 says:

    Your daughter reminds me of my granddaughter and all the joy she brings me. I look forward to her visits and I like to think about all the joy the Lord brings in the ordinary days of my life.

  11. Lindsay rice says:

    Loved reading this! I look forward to reading what you write each week now❤️

    That little Lo has a special place in many hearts, both of your girls are so sweet and funny!!!!!

  12. Lindsay rice says:

    Loved reading this! I look forward to reading what you write each week now❤️

    That little Lo has a special place in many hearts, both of your girls are so sweet and funny!!!!!

  13. I love that as believers we can embrace the sacred and the silly. We can stand firmly rooted in God, but not get all stuffy about it, ya know?! You’re Lo sounds like a spunky little riot! Merry Christmas to you and yours Megs. xo

  14. sarahgirl3 says:

    I discovered that verse about God bringing Sarah laughter a few years ago and love it. God has given me so much peace and joy this year, and I wouldn’t trade it for any material thing! 🙂

  15. sarahgirl3 says:

    I discovered that verse about God bringing Sarah laughter a few years ago and love it. God has given me so much peace and joy this year, and I wouldn’t trade it for any material thing! 🙂

  16. Julie Sunne says:

    Interesting thoughts, Meg! I love reflecting on the joy of Jesus. Joining you for #livefreeThursday. God bless you and Merry Christmas!