Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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Here are 10 revelations that have the power to transform friendships.

These Revelations Changed How I Think about Friendship

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Jesus is our strength in the last inch.

The Last Inch of Forgiveness.

Bible Study

My kids didn’t know me before them, or see how becoming the mom they needed me to be pulled me out of a dark season, set me back on my feet and renewed my faith.

Rip it Off …Love While Healing.


The words we # have power the power to create searchable content. The words we verbalize, type, text, share and air hold the power to dignify or deflate.

Resolutions are strategic reminders for our repentant hearts. As Christians, they should be set in place to progress of the will of God in our lives. Before compiling a new list of goals, celebrate each step of progress that was made in the last year. Pay homage to the work God has done in our lives, before surging onto the next stage of growth.

4 Christian Principles for Making New Year’s Resolutions

Bible Study

There’s an enlightening difference between “resolve” and “resolution.” Resolve reflects a decision or determination, while a resolution formally encompasses a decision made via conference with others. Wikipedia describes four different types of resolution, “New Year’s resolution” being the only one that doesn’t incorporate other opinions into its final draft. Could this be why resolutions often fall out of reach?

5 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for Christians

Christian Living

December #jammed: Free Grace. Day 365: Warm it back up. “How great is God? Beyond our understanding.” Job 36:26 This last entry of the year has me staring at a cold cup of coffee, at 2 pm in the afternoon. Many cups of coffee have gone cold sitting here in pursuit of spreading the encouraging love of […]

December #jammed: Free Grace. Day 364: Empty Buckets “The Lord is near.” Philippians 4:5 “What if I never actually surf,” I joked, “It’s a possibility!” Monday morning Bible study prepares and leads me. “What if God just wants to teach me something through the process of preparation?” It’s a possibility. And it wouldn’t be the first time. […]

The Bucket. (#jammed daily devo, day 364)

jammed daily devo