Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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To combat the darkness ever permeate in the atmosphere, I choose to unearth the joy of Jesus by following the happy faces.  Facebook…Twitter-verse…Instagram…Pinterest…my news feeds looks like a Christian motivational speaker threw up all over them and then added glitter.  Facebook can be a platform for the positive and encouraging, or it can be a […]

The Book of Happy Faces

the latest

Evil will riddle anxious sorrow unless smacked with deep, healing love. My daughters woke up one Saturday morning ending my journal time and proudly proclaiming a pajama day.  Both in their Christmas footie jammies, they vowed to eat chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and begged to watch “White Christmas.”  A touch early by some standards, […]

The Reindeer.

Christian Living

The circle of guilt will push you around unless it’s kept in check with truth. “Stop pushing me!” If you have more than one kid, this is a phrase you are no doubt familiar with. “MOM!” my little one exclaims, getting ready to launch into a string of tattles, “Bri Bri is being so mean!!!!” […]


Christian Living

Life’s climb can seem hopelessly steep if we don’t stop to look down at how far we’ve come. “Look!” my little Kindergartner exclaimed.  “There’s a letter ‘d’ there, and a letter ‘D’ there…” she trailed on, pointing out all of the letter D’s on her homework paper. My children’s homework often feels like my homework, […]

The morning drop off. There is not a cup of coffee in the world strong enough to guarantee that my nerves aren’t at least mildly fried by the time I kiss my sweethearts good-bye for the day at 8:45am. The last minute rush, even though my two girls have been awake for an hour and […]

The Flashcards


When I fear there is no way and no room, God squeezes encouragement into the treasured places of my heart. Boy do I love to shop in bulk.  Less trips to the store equals fewer times that I’m required to take two children with me that think they need everything that can be given a bar […]

The Iced Cube Tray and The Lemon Seed

Christian Living

I cut the lawn the other day. Not a huge event, I realize.  With both of my kids in school all day for the first time, I fully admit I’ve been on the edge of a full-scale meltdown since they skipped happily down the hallway together that first day. Knowing myself well and prepared for […]

If you know me at all, you know I do not understand God’s purpose for squirrels.  Just don’t.  I don’t think they’re cute, I don’t get sad when one loses a race across the road with a car, and I don’t find joy in feeding them.  The feeling is mutual.  I’ve been chased out of […]

The Squirrel

Christian Living