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April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 109: Big treasures are small. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 Certain times throughout the school year, my girls start to get lazy. I start to get lazy. […]
April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 107: Wishes travel. “ Without any hesitation, Abram went.” Genesis 12:4 (VOICE) The bravery of Abraham to pick up his entire family and move to Canaan when he was seventy-five years old is a true hallmark of faith. Even surrounded by modern-day conveniences and four decades younger, I can hardly fathom leaving all I […]
April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 106: Relief is coming. “Surely You’ve heard me say, “Don’t be deaf to my call; bring me relief!” Lamentations 3:56 Anyone who’s suffered long-term pain can relate to the sentiments of the prophet Jeremiah in today’s verse. God does hear and answer our prayers, but His answers don’t always look the way we […]
April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 105: Just the right cut. “One Spirit works all these things in each of them individually as He sees fit.” 1 Corinthians 12:11 “Why are you cutting pizza with scissors?!” My dad is always amused by the things I find to cut with my kitchen scissors. There are so many pairs of scissors […]
April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 103: Play to win. “He is the strong runner who, favored to win in his race, is eager to face his challenge.” Psalm 19:5b “Skip her, mom,” my oldest daughter suggested …annoyed at her little sister’s jitters. “She’s not paying attention! Skip her!” Monopoly is my favorite board-game, and I’ve been eagerly waiting for […]
April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 102: It sure seems crazy to some. “You’ve gone crazy, Paul! You’ve read one book too many and have gone insane!” Acts 26:24 (VOICE) A bookworm’s delight is to disappear into wonderland. Imagination blooms in the pages of books. When my daughter was a baby, I could barely wait to pass on […]
April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 101: Healing layers. “You wrapped it in a gown of waters— ancient mountains under layers of sky.” Psalm 104:6 I once needed a magical solution to cure all aches and “bleedy” boo-boo’s. The constant clamoring for band-aids, boo-boo bunnies, and mommy hugs is everyday life to kids and their mommas. Long after the […]
April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 100: Not clowning around. “Don’t swear or spurt nonsense. Don’t make harsh jokes or clown around. Make proper use of your words, and offer them thankfully in praise.” Ephesians 5:4 (VOICE) “Mom, I hate clowns.” my daughter said. “Yep, I feel the same way …but a harlequin is not a clown,” I explained, as she prepared […]