Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 358: Keepsakes. “We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:2 There is a little statue that sits on my desk. It’s a blue bird with a Christmas hat. I think it was stuck in a Christmas planter sent to my Grandma one year, […]

The Christmas Bird (#jammed daily devo, day 358)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 356: True Colors. “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me.” Psalm 57:2 The light caught my wedding bands and exposed the yellow gold purging through as the white gold finish began to wear off again. The wear reflects the reality of life […]

The Yellow Gold (#jammed daily devo, day 356)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 355: Christmas presents …and limits. “Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11b “He came! HE CAME!!!” The piles of presents under the tree and the magical looks on my kids’ faces as they ran down the stairs will be etched into my […]

The Presents (#jammed daily devo, day 355)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 354: Aim for average. Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often. Luke 2:29 NLT Motherhood is ridiculous. It completely changes us from the inside out. The outside starts falling a part, and the inside grows more rapidly than our emotions can keep up with. Every concern […]

December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 352: Blankies. “She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth, and laid Him in a manger…” Luke 2:7 “Reach,” I encouraged as my two-year old stretched up onto her toes and reached her arms up to the hospital basinet where her new baby sister slept, “you’re almost there!” Through tears in my […]

The Snuggly Strips (#jammed daily devo, day 352)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 352: Blankies. “She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth, and laid Him in a manger…” Luke 2:7 “Reach,” I encouraged as my two-year old stretched up onto her toes and reached her arms up to the hospital basinet where her new baby sister slept, “you’re almost there!” Through tears in my […]

The Snuggly Strips (#jammed daily devo, day 352)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 351: The “In” Crowd. “ The shepherds returned to their flocks, praising God for all they had seen and heard, and they glorified God for the way the experience had unfolded just as the heavenly messenger had predicted.” Luke 2:20 (VOICE) It’s always interesting to see why God brings a group of people […]

December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 350: Let it Go. “I will never again remember…” Hebrews 10:17 “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation again …” I droned, and my daughter’s eyeball conquered. We spend a lot of time discussing the same issues. “What should I do, mom?” she asked. “Be kind, and include,” I repeated, after […]

The Ice Circles (#jammed daily devo, day 350)

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