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November #jammed: Gracious. Day 334: Thankful for Truth. For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4 The smell of hot polyester seats with duck tape covering rips and holes wafted past as I […]
November #jammed: Gracious. Day 332: Thankful for Lauren. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 Marveling at the sweetness of my first-born daughter, I couldn’t image being blessed with another child like her. When God says that He’ll bless us more than we can ask or imagine, He isn’t kidding. Lauren came into the world before […]
November #jammed: Gracious. Day 332: Thankful for Lauren. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 Marveling at the sweetness of my first-born daughter, I couldn’t image being blessed with another child like her. When God says that He’ll bless us more than we can ask or imagine, He isn’t kidding. Lauren came into the world before […]
November #jammed: Gracious. Day 331: Thankful for Brianne. “The Lord will hold you in His had- a splendid crown in the hand of God.” Isaiah 62:3 My first-born daughter will never know the gravity to which God grabbed my heart and threw it in another direction the minute I knew she was to be. It was as if […]
November #jammed: Gracious. Day 330: Thankful for podcasts. God is my rock. 2 Samuel 22:3 “You’re all God all of the time …and I just don’t know how I feel about it.” The first thing I did with my miraculously healed self was train it for a marathon. Along the way, I listened to podcasts …mostly from the orange […]
November #jammed: Gracious. Day 330: Thankful for podcasts. God is my rock. 2 Samuel 22:3 “You’re all God all of the time …and I just don’t know how I feel about it.” The first thing I did with my miraculously healed self was train it for a marathon. Along the way, I listened to podcasts …mostly from the orange […]
November #jammed: Gracious. Day 329: Thankful for my church family. “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.” Mark 16:15 (MESSAGE) Sitting in the stiff wooden pew, I scanned the congregation to see if anyone else had a hat on. Sure enough …I spotted one other lady, about fifty […]
November #jammed: Gracious. Day 329: Thankful for my church family. “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.” Mark 16:15 (MESSAGE) Sitting in the stiff wooden pew, I scanned the congregation to see if anyone else had a hat on. Sure enough …I spotted one other lady, about fifty […]