Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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In an adventure to the craft store, my oldest daughter fell in love with a broken bunny.  Anxious to pick out a craft in preparation for what could be yet another snow day tomorrow, she and I both decided that a cute little cloth bunny would be the perfect guinea pig for us as we […]

The Broken Bunny

the latest

A mom of two little people, there’s always something to clean.  Constant crumbs on the floor, fingerprints on the stainless steel appliances, the TV’s (that they never touch), apple cores hidden in the van, toothpaste caked on the sink, boogers wiped in random places, things crayoned on that shouldn’t have been…you get the drift.  Our […]

The Dirt


When I got back from kindergarten drop off this morning, as I walked through the garage…I felt a “thunk,” followed by an unmistakable giggle. Snowball. I should have known better than to let my guard down after a fresh snowfall.  Lo, my three-year-old, loves snowballs.  Born with comedic timing, her little antics often revive me […]

The Snowball


When I got back from kindergarten drop off this morning, as I walked through the garage…I felt a “thunk,” followed by an unmistakable giggle. Snowball. I should have known better than to let my guard down after a fresh snowfall.  Lo, my three-year-old, loves snowballs.  Born with comedic timing, her little antics often revive me […]

On more than one occasion, as of late, I’ve witnessed mother’s stating complaints on behalf of their children about missing school.  After a longer-than-usual Christmas Vacation this year due to snow and colder temps than we’ve had here in Ohio in 20-some years, seems there were a lot of kids that were ready to go […]

The Sick Day


Or, as we say in the Bucher house…the “Puddin’.”  We’re usually, affectionately, referring to my husband’s belly.  However, this Christmas Eve, we added a bit of the real deal to our Christmas Eve tradition.  The first Christmas in our new home, one can imagine my excitement to deck the halls and have plenty of room […]

The Pudding


“What am I going to do when you go back to school?” I asked Brianne this morning, as we both sat by the window watching the wind and the snow. On the third day school has been cancelled, right on the heels of Christmas break, both of our eyes welled up with tears, as she […]

“What am I going to do when you go back to school?” I asked Brianne this morning, as we both sat by the window watching the wind and the snow. On the third day school has been cancelled, right on the heels of Christmas break, both of our eyes welled up with tears, as she […]

The Scampering Squirrel
