“Would you like to get well?” John 5:6b (NLT)
Sweating down the sidewalk past lunchtime, calvary of whiners in tow, I tried to focus on the petunias lining the lakefront streets. Aggravated by the lack of parental response, foot stomping and arm tugging ensued. The shrill demand escalated to a bossy holler each time my toddler strode past another furry friend.
Girl wanted a puppy. But her parents were not puppy people. Not even dog people. Barely cat people.
A happy life requires a walk of faith that fuels the good things meant for our future. This month’s #recall12 verse will show us how, in letting go, we grab who we are destined to be.
1. Dreams are God-placed.
Sometimes we don’t want to get well because we don’t realize our lack. Of course this man wanted to get well. But he’d been sick for so long it was hard for him to imagine it actually happening. Instead of blind faith in the possibility, the man rehearsed a life’s worth of rationalizations competing against his opportunity to be healed.
When we don’t consult our Creator before discounting ourselves, we’re in danger of missing miraculous healing. Operating outside the will of God won’t allow us to experience the good He has plan for us.
2. Dreams are too big for us to accomplish on our own.
Do we want our dreams, or God’s dream for us? Our good Father created mankind out of love. We want His dream over anything we could possibly conjure up.
This verse is an important question to ask ourselves anytime we’re in faced with decision. It has the capability to reveal sickness. Sometimes we don’t know we’re sick until we look back at how we used to feel, or forward to a timeline we can’t fill in.
3. Dreams are built into the fabric of our person.
How often do we operate in blind trust without knowing for certain what the future holds?To stake claim on the God-sized dreams He crafted us to accomplish, we must recognize who we are and the work we have to do.
How often to we make excuses like the man in the passage? In his defense, he may have perceived his prose as simple matter of fact. Those of us who see the healing coming wonder, “where is your faith?” No painful situation easily attaches itself to faith. It takes discipline to have faith when it hurts …and it’s hard.
4. Dreams are work we get to do.
“Jesus told him, ‘Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!'” John 5:8
The people of Joshua Chapter 3 might have missed walking through a river on dry ground, had they sat around and asked questions first …doubted that they could …or waited to see what they would get in return for their hard work.
Imagine what the man in John Chapter 5 might have become had he said, “no, I don’t think I can…” or “Jesus, that’s impossible.”
We are the image of a God who does the impossible. It’s our belief …our faith …that needs to catch up. In relationship with our Father, a privilege Jesus gave His life for, we can continually pray for guidance. Step by step, God will illuminate the work required to meander the path of our life’s purpose.
5. Dreams don’t have to wait.
“Instantly, the man was healed!” John 5:9a
When we wake up each day with intention to seek God’s design for our lives, He is faithful
to answer and send His Spirit to guide our way …right away. When we walk with Christ, we live in happiness amidst the darkness. The switch can be flipped in an instant. The winds of change are swift.
Four years after the foot stomp parade along the petunia-lined streets, the “we will never have a dog” people are total dog people. Looking back, my husband and I are still shocked at the shift of our hearts. “I’m still not a dog person,” says my husband, who searched for just the right puppy …named her …and bought her a Christmas sweater.
Stay open, in prayer, for unexpected winds of change.
Happy Puppy-Principling,
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Happy Link-ing!!! Megs
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I love this. This brings me back to when my son was diagnosed with Asthma at just 18 months. He is now 3yrs old and has been healed by the Grace of our God.
I thought it was normal for my son to have asthma since his dad has it, and Doctors would say the same, he had his prescribed medicine. Until one night my son was asleep and I put my hands on his head and chest and prayed in tongues. In that moment I declared in the name of Jesus my son be healed! and I felt it, my son had been Healed. So yes sometimes we need to get out of our routine and turn to him and receive the miracles God has for us. IT’S AMAZING!
Wow! What an amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing it with me! Happy Wednesday!!!
Your dog is just a sweetie, and I’m not a dog person either — said the woman who got a St. Bernard for the sake of the youngest son who IS a dog person.
So we’re dog families together, I guess.
Happy Thursday!
Yes we are! Love St Bernard’s! They are so beautiful! Happy Thursday!
Oh my word, what a precious puppy.
We’re not “dog people” either, but I love animals. Just can’t handle owning another thing I have to take care of! *smile* — Meg, what a great verse, and I love how you have a way of bringing out verses that weren’t so noticeable to me at first.
— “Sometimes we don’t know we’re sick.” So true, unfortunately. Thank you for sharing this, and love your words: “Dreams are work we get to do.” — Thanks, Meg, and thanks for sharing with #ChasingCommunity today! ((hug))
Thank you, Brenda! I was first inspired by the depth of this verse through a sermon, and it has stuck with me ever since! Happy Thursday!
I love this Bible lesson and how you weaved our dreams into it. I raise and train Border Collies so am definitely a dog a person.
Thank you, Laura! I’m a first time dog owner, and loving every minute! Happy Thursday!
Oh I love this: “Dreams are work we get to do.” Amen! (And our grown up girlie got a corgi about a year ago… we were never dog people but Mr. Bentley won our hearts and changed our minds on that, for sure!)
Thank you, Karrilee! Beautiful name, by the way! Isn’t it so funny …every time I say “I never…” God must just laugh. I love Him. Happy Friday!!!
I am a dog person, but when my fur-baby died year before last, I swore off them at least until my husband retires. But then my oldest son broke. me. down. Needless to say, we now have another baby around here and I’m learning my own fair share of lessons on this end of the leash! I’ve been talking about dreams around My Messy Desk recently, too! You’ve got some excellent points! Blessings!
Thank you, Liz! One of the things I love the most about being a dog owner is that it opens up a door to relate to people on a whole new level …which I love. Because, speaking of dreams …I want to be friends with everyone! lol. Happy Friday!
Love your story and how eventually you became a dog family. My husband said, we don’t need another dog. But our male Lab was grieving over the loss of our Blue Tick Hound – – and he would hardly eat. So I took my dragging hubby to the SPCA where I had viewed on line a batch of mixed lab puppies. I want this one I said, while my husband shrugged. Now he love our puppy Joy and she loves him. Luke immediately got an appetite and is so happy to have a friend. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.
Hazel I love your story! That is so sweet!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
I love the picture! You are too cute!
What a lovely story, Megs. “Out of the mouth’s of babes,” as scriptures says.
I enjoyed your words, “it takes discipline to have faith when it hurts …and it’s hard.” With each new challenge in life, I realize just how flimsy my faith can be. I’m so willing to share the promises of God with others, but I struggle to trust that He will show up in the same way in my own life. Thanks for encouraging me to stay disciplined and keep the faith. And, give that precious pup a good scratch behind the ears for me.
Thank you, Melissa! We are all struggling with something, but God is good, all the time Happy Sunday!
Dear Megs, your statement about dreams being woven into the fabric of our lives really spoke to me. God’s created, and equipped, each of us for a unique purpose. Perhaps dreams are the vehicle to reach that purpose. Thanks for sharing today!
Alice, I do believe that as we talk to and follow Jesus, we will realize those dreams. But they may not look as we originally thought they would. Gods plan is more than we can even imagine!
I love that dreams don’t have to wait! Sometimes I get used to thinking that the dreams will come later on, but that can actually stem from unbelief. Thanks for the reminder that some dreams do come right away!
Some do! And some already have …they just don’t look like we think they would …or should. Happy Tuesday!
Hi Megs, I love your Happy Puppy-Principle! A friend once told me that God places the desire of our hearts in our hearts that we might desire them, and maybe that is the same with dreams. Thanks for reminding me to be intentional with my dreams and open to the move of God today! <3 Misty
Hi Misty! I’m so glad to have met you out in the link-ups today! I believe you are right, and God teaches us amazing things as we chase after those dreams. Happy Wednesday!!!
You, my friend, are far wiser in the Lord than your years would’ve predicted, you “young pup!”
I love this, Meg! Every bit of it is full of profound and eloquent truth that I know came from walking closely with Lord through some difficult times. And here’s to people embracing whatever animal, person or assignment God brings their way!
Amen! And thank You. Believe me, it’s all His work in my redeemed life. He took my mess and blessed it …and continues to walk with me hand and hand up the hills and through the valleys. Happy Wednesday!!!
Aw, I love this story and the lessons you brought out. We had the best dog ever when our girls were growing up. She passed away shortly after our youngest finished high school. We still love dogs, but we’re enjoying the empty nest too much to take on another family member. I have to settle for my other ‘pets’ (hummingbirds–hundreds of them) that migrate through or spend the season ;).
Hi, Anita! Oh, I can’t imagine how sad that was to lose your furry friend. I’m so sorry. I love hummingbirds. It’s such a miracle to catch one close up. How cool that you get to witness them migrating like that! You must post a picture if you can catch them quick enough! Happy Wednesday!
Aww dogs are amazing friends to have! I grew up with one and really hope we can get one at some point so that the boys can experience that same relationship.Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Such a fabulous, motivating, inspiring post. I try to leave myself open to things that may lie in store for me as well. We must accept what we are given and do our best with it! And I do everything with gratitude as well! Thanks so much for sharing and for joining my #SpreadTheKindness Link Up.
Awesome, Shelbee! I’m so glad you like it, and grateful for your visit here today! Happy Monday!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story again. I love it. Wednesday as I taught a short lesson at our Prayer meeting. “Hearing God Speak,” I used the illustration of a new puppy ready to take his first walk with a leash. How they resist and drag their heals – – and that is how we act at times when God is trying to show us that this will be great – and not a bad thing.
Oh, Amen. At times? I’m a constant feet dragger. That’s a brilliant way to put it! Happy Tuesday!