Christian Living

The Over-Answerer

January 28, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

Solutions are revealed through noise, and hidden in the slow silence of subtlety.

“Lo, you can’t cheer in flats.” I harped.

“UUUGGGHHHH!!!!” She exasperated as she stomped off to change her shoes.

“Mom…” My oldest began…and then I really can’t tell you what she said after that. It was too long and drawn out, and I didn’t have the capacity to digest it as I popped my coffee out of the microwave and corralled her little sister to the door.

“Brianne, honey,” I quipped,”get in the car.”

Poor thing, she’s just me.

I’m an excessive talker, over-answerer, and I’m missing that “stop talking no one is listening anymore” radar. God has encouraged me so much, it in turn just oozes out of me. Let the encouraged, encourage. However, I get so excited that I’m not always the best at slowing my thought train down to tune in to other voices.

Face freezing and my girls yelling, “C’MON MOM! YOU’RE TOO SLOW,” I checked them in at mini-cheer and then parked by the lake to walk the pier. Ear buds in to drown out the peace, I forced myself to walk at an uncomfortable pace against a brutal north wind.

Somehow the stillness of the sun sparkling off the ice, devoid of other living things out to brave the chill, breaks through the tingling of my itchy hat to uncover a secret space where I can hear God. I’m obedient in my rush to meet with Him everyday because I’m very aware of my need to stop talking. And even if your struggle to be silent isn’t as intense as mine, He waits in the stillness of the dawn to over-answer the day’s quandaries. Who doesn’t want a head start before the gun goes off?


3 Revelations I’ve gained by letting God’s Word drown out mine in the secret space.

1. It’s not by chance. Do you ever feel like you’re being followed around by a reality TV crew? All of the sudden, you seem to be tuned into different people that are saying and writing and speaking and singing about the same things, at the same time in your life when you are looking for answers to that very notion. That collaborative coincidence is evidence of our very personal God. I don’t put YAX on my boots and trek out onto the ice because it’s boring out there…

Give Him the first part of your day, and you’ll see what I mean. Even if it’s only 5 minutes..and there’s an app for that, too.

 But by shifting our focus from what we do to what God does, don’t we cancel out all our careful keeping of the rules and ways God commanded? Not at all. What happens, in fact, is that by putting that entire way of life in its proper place, we confirm it.“-Romans 3:26(MSG)

image2. Perfection is overrated and already reserved.  Since it can never be attained by anyone else, let it be the first thing you cross off your daily to-do list and start seeking attainable joy.

A struggle lies behind every smiling selfie and perfectly posed portrait. I don’t want my funky faces rolling through the facebook newsfeed any more than my kids want me circulating theirs to their Dad and the rest of the family and all of their friends’ parents.  I’m too aggravated to fumble with my phone in the heat of those moments, and the kids run away in a blur.

Every joyful moment is the product of a struggle. The answer to prayer…blessing from God. I cry out in angst beyond the lens, and He never fails to over-answer.

 “But in our time something new has been added. What Moses and the prophets witnessed to all those years has happened. The God-setting-things-right that we read about has become Jesus-setting-things-right for us. And not only for us, but for everyone who believes in him. For there is no difference between us and them in this. Since we’ve compiled this long and sorry record as sinners (both us and them) and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ.” Romans 3:21-24(MSG)

My life is not the only testimony to those verses. Flip through the album, but ask me for the story. My college degree looks awesome in my bookcase now, but it was absent the day of graduation. My family is amazing, but this isn’t my first marriage and my kids are not perfect. I gossip and envy and lose my cool with the people that love me, and way too often add Cabernet and dark chocolate to aid the indigestion.

The struggle with self-doubt is real…but my heart is His.

Maybe I should try posting pictures of blurred children running away from me so that we can all bond together. #blessedmess  

3. Look up and Look out.

I am living proof that God aggressively pursues those whom He has called.


“Who is like you?” Moses stated in Exodus 15:11. Can’t you just picture the awe and hear the whisper of hope and faith in his voice? “Who is like you?” That’s how I feel about Jesus.
Every day a faithful friend, He pulls me out of my coffee coma and through my mess to the feet of His Father. God left a reminder to the Israelites of the Manna He faithfully fed to them every day for 40 years. (Exodus 16:32)

Jesus is ours.

“God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in him sets us in the clear. God decided on this course of action in full view of the public—to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins he had so patiently endured. This is not only clear, but it’s now—this is current history! God sets things right. He also makes it possible for us to live in his rightness.“-Romans 3:25-26(MSG)

 He supply’s my whole portion in the first few minutes of the day, speaking through my child’s ramblings and the still of frozen water. Through an Elevation sermon in my ear buds or an eagle on the ice. But I won’t hear or see anything if I don’t tune in and look up. I am joyful because I seek to be.

Walking with the wind pushing me back, the snow wisping across the iced over River, I felt my pace quickening. I felt like I was walking pretty fast until the snow blasted by alongside me with a gusty blow. I heard God say to me clearly, “YOU’RE TOO SLOW.”

“OK, OK” I laughed.

imageWhen my daughters go through spurts of arguing about every thing all of the time, I’m quick to remind them that family comes first and sisters are forever friends.  They typically glare at each other, disgusted mid-argument that they are stuck together for life without choice. But, the seed inevitably always sprouts a root, and the moments bursting with sisterly love triumph over the squabbles.

Many mornings, I attempt rush by my Father at full speed with my own agenda in tow. Perhaps that’s why He reveals the wind. Or, leaves a rock balanced a-top the ice in one season and sunk to the bottom in the next. He certainly knows how yank me out of my whirring thoughts. Walking with the wind reminded me Who was at my side …right now  …and one day at a time. Family first.

  “Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11

He will aggressively pursue you…more than you ask.image

Happy First Five Morning Minutes…


“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

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  1. This is a beautiful piece. I am much the same way with popping off at the mouth and not knowing when to stop talking or commenting. I hone in on the zone. This is why I chose “whitespace” for my word of 2016 because I needed less time doing things and more time listening to Jesus. Just being with God. I love that you tell us He will aggressively pursue us. God is faithful and marvelous. Each morning when I rise, give me Jesus. And yes… there is an app for that! 🙂 Many blessings this week, sweet friend!

  2. Leigh Ellen says:

    Thank you for your words here today, Megs! I am so thankful God not only calls us, but also pursues us. He is a gracious God indeed! May the Lord bless you and your writing ministry!

  3. Thanks for pointing out the truths from God’s Word. He aggressively pursues us, so we should pursue Him also. Please link up with us at Literacy Musing Mondays #LMMLinkup

  4. debbieputman says:

    Megs, Thank you for your honest vulnerability. Joining you from Intentional Tuesday.

  5. So much truth here, and I hear echoes of my own home, the voices of my own children . . . and the presence of that reality t.v. “camera” !

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Glad I’m not alone! Sometimes when I make these analogies I just hope someone can relate! Thanks for reading and sharing your sweet words.
      Happy Tuesday!

  6. So much truth here, and I hear echoes of my own home, the voices of my own children . . . and the presence of that reality t.v. “camera” !

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Glad I’m not alone! Sometimes when I make these analogies I just hope someone can relate! Thanks for reading and sharing your sweet words.
      Happy Tuesday!

  7. I really loved your point of “God aggressively pursues those whom he has called.” That is such a reassurance isn’t it? Thanks for your encouraging words today!

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Yes! It encourages me so much! I truly believe that God is gut-breakingly funny…and He never fails to make me laugh in the middle of my mess. How great is our God!?!?
      Happy Tuesday!!!

  8. I really loved your point of “God aggressively pursues those whom he has called.” That is such a reassurance isn’t it? Thanks for your encouraging words today!

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Yes! It encourages me so much! I truly believe that God is gut-breakingly funny…and He never fails to make me laugh in the middle of my mess. How great is our God!?!?
      Happy Tuesday!!!

  9. Christa says:

    Those first five minutes of the day can totally set me up for freedom or failure. It’s my choice. God is certainly there waiting for me to connect with Him. Thanks for sharing this good word!

  10. Christa says:

    Those first five minutes of the day can totally set me up for freedom or failure. It’s my choice. God is certainly there waiting for me to connect with Him. Thanks for sharing this good word!

  11. nicaudp says:

    Meg, I LOVE this…Perfection is overrated and already reserved. Wow- that’s a word for me. I tend to have that perfectionist mentality, analyzing everything to make sure it is just right. I love your thought- It’s already reserved. Jesus is the only One holding that title… it’s time to stop trying! This is such a great message for me today! Thank you!

    • Meg Bucher says:

      You’re so welcome!!!! Glad God used my words to encourage you today!!!! I’m the biggest offender of this- and so glad I’m not the only one! Happy Wednesday!!!

  12. nicaudp says:

    Meg, I LOVE this…Perfection is overrated and already reserved. Wow- that’s a word for me. I tend to have that perfectionist mentality, analyzing everything to make sure it is just right. I love your thought- It’s already reserved. Jesus is the only One holding that title… it’s time to stop trying! This is such a great message for me today! Thank you!

    • Meg Bucher says:

      You’re so welcome!!!! Glad God used my words to encourage you today!!!! I’m the biggest offender of this- and so glad I’m not the only one! Happy Wednesday!!!

  13. Dawn Boyer says:

    What a fun and enjoyable … ENCOURAGING… read tonight. 🙂 I love those first five minutes, too. Actually.. I try to draw it out as long as possible in the morning with a cup of coffee, no lights and candles lit and just the quiet so I can hear His heartbeat leading mine. Without it, i am no good to anyone else.
    Great words, Meg!

  14. Dawn Boyer says:

    What a fun and enjoyable … ENCOURAGING… read tonight. 🙂 I love those first five minutes, too. Actually.. I try to draw it out as long as possible in the morning with a cup of coffee, no lights and candles lit and just the quiet so I can hear His heartbeat leading mine. Without it, i am no good to anyone else.
    Great words, Meg!

  15. Angie Baer says:

    I definitely need more of this prayer for God to teach me His ways. and to really trust that we are worth it because he is still pursuing us.

    Maria Baer