Christian Living

The Flash Drive (#recall12 series)

February 1, 2017

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg


The Holy Spirit ignites within the moment we believe in Christ, opening our eyes and ears to interpret God’s living Word. Prayer is like a flash drive containing the situational solutions to all of our problems. It’s useful to save a few key life verses on it, which is recall-12-feb-verseexactly what we’re doing here in the #recall12 series. In our struggle to find a way, God leads us to pray.

“Always pray and never give up.” Luke 18:1 (NLT)

1. Persistance 

“He told them a parable, urging them to keep praying and never grow discouraged.” Luke 18:1 (VOICE)

This month’s memory verse is a prelude to ‘The Parable of the Persistant Widow.’ Through the story of a woman seeking a judge’s verdict, Jesus taught the his followers the value in persistent and perseverant prayer.

Though our gut’s reaction is to freakishly scramble for hurried solutions, God’s presence beckons to employ a prayerful flow of continued conversation.recall12-feb-2

2. Consistence

“He paid no attention to her request for a while, but then he said to himself,“I don’t care about what God thinks of me, much less what any mere human thinks.  But this widow is driving me crazy. She’s never going to quit coming to see me unless I hear her case and provide her legal protection.'” Luke 18:4-5

If this judge “didn’t care,” he wound’t have felt it necessary to broach the topic of this widow’s plight. The prodding of his heart was not his own conscience shifting, but someone else’s prayers being upheld.

God hears us. More importantly, He tells us to keep talking. Keep praying. When frustration emerges, let’s determine to pray into it, wait for God to lead us out of it …and have faith that He will.

3. Silence 

Did you catch what this self-assured judge said? If he can be moved to act justly, won’t God bring justice for His chosen people when they cry to Him day and night? Will He be slow to bring them justice?” Mark 8:6-7

God’s determination to help His people has little to do with our resolve to act rightly. He seeks to help those who seek Him, whether or not we are privy to His reality. God is not dependent upon any human behavior to justify His response. Jesus’ death on the cross gave His believers the opportunity to cry out to the Father in prayer, and trust that He hears and answers.recall12-feb-3

Gossip hurts. Isolation stings. Injury is painful. Sickness is defeating. Loss is agonizing. God’s voice can seem deafeningly quiet to us when our situation is bleak and our hearts are broken. Though we may not see and here God the way we seek to, the promise of His presence is always present. In a conversation so personal we couldn’t describe it if we wanted to, He leads us through every season in the silent wanderings of our prayers.

4. Omnipotence

(Jesus emphasizes that the kingdom of God will not come through valiant efforts but as people pray, “may Your kingdom come,” with persistence and with humility.)” Luke 18:8 (VOICE)

Trust that God controls what we do not: healing, death, conception, time, creation and purpose. Ending our prayers “In Jesus Name,” declares our faith in His will over our prayer requests and our lives. We must be careful to pour our hearts out in prayer to Him and then let go. Grasping for control only causes us to sink further into our plight. But when we let go of the answer we want to hear and listen for the one He is laying out before us, miracles become visible. Coincidence connects answered prayer.

recall12-feb-2The conversations we have with the Father bleed out onto and into life.  He’s privy to our seat in the auditorium. Pop in the flash drive, transfer the data over to Him, and download His answer. It’s what Jesus died for …relationship with God.

Father, Praise You for Your listening ear and compassion for us. You tell us to pray and not give up. (Luke 18:1) You are powerful to trump any form of justice set upon this earth with Your omnipotent hand. God, You ARE love. You ARE grace. 

Praise for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, allowing us to pour our hearts into Your healing hands. In conversation with You, keep our eyes open and our ears attentive to Your will for our lives over our prayer requests. Surround us with Your purpose for our lives, and compassionate love when life is impossible.

Forgive us for our lack of stamina, and remind us of Jesus death on the cross. Bless Your Spirit to our hearts and minds to remember this verse today, and always. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Happy Downloading,


Click here or the image below for FREE verse memory cards!feb-recall-12


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Happy Link-ing!!!  Megs

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  1. Lindsay says:

    Love this

  2. So creative — and yet spot on with the importance of filling our minds with truth and connecting with God in prayer.

  3. Liz Giertz says:

    The conversations we have with the Father bleed out into our lives… YES! So true! Thanks for this great post! XO

    • Megs says:

      Thank you, Liz! I LOVE how His Word pops up throughout my day! I never know how He’s going to use the time I spend in His Word. He’s the coolest. ❤

  4. Liz Giertz says:

    The conversations we have with the Father bleed out into our lives… YES! So true! Thanks for this great post! XO

    • Megs says:

      Thank you, Liz! I LOVE how His Word pops up throughout my day! I never know how He’s going to use the time I spend in His Word. He’s the coolest. ❤

  5. My word for the year is persevere and it’s just continuing to push through those obstacles that keep us back! These are more great words to focus and keep our attention toward. Thanks! (Your neighbor at #HeartEncouragement)

  6. My word for the year is persevere and it’s just continuing to push through those obstacles that keep us back! These are more great words to focus and keep our attention toward. Thanks! (Your neighbor at #HeartEncouragement)

  7. Lovely word-picture on perseverance. Thank-you for sharing! I have to continually remind myself that undergirding it all is God.

  8. Lovely word-picture on perseverance. Thank-you for sharing! I have to continually remind myself that undergirding it all is God.

  9. Nice post.


  10. Carol says:

    Great post and praying for your flash drive to be filled with the Holy Spirit. #TwinklyTuesday

  11. Carol says:

    Great post and praying for your flash drive to be filled with the Holy Spirit. #TwinklyTuesday

  12. Megs, this is one of the best posts I’ve read on prayer in a long time. I love your insights and reminders. One of the biggest things God has taught me over the years is that He is indeed in control. He is sovereign. And in His sovereignty, we find His amazing love for us.

  13. Megs, this is one of the best posts I’ve read on prayer in a long time. I love your insights and reminders. One of the biggest things God has taught me over the years is that He is indeed in control. He is sovereign. And in His sovereignty, we find His amazing love for us.

  14. Great post Megs! Love this quote: “Pop in the flash drive, transfer the data over to Him, and download His answer.”

  15. Great post Megs! Love this quote: “Pop in the flash drive, transfer the data over to Him, and download His answer.”

  16. Meg, what a good reminder to not give up on our prayers. God doesn’t give up on us and He wants us to continue coming to Him about one need or a thousand and one. It’s important to remember our time frame isn’t the same as God’s and this is a mistake all of us make one time or another. Thank you for the encouragement. I know someone who this will uplift and will share it on my FB wall. God bless!

  17. Meg, what a good reminder to not give up on our prayers. God doesn’t give up on us and He wants us to continue coming to Him about one need or a thousand and one. It’s important to remember our time frame isn’t the same as God’s and this is a mistake all of us make one time or another. Thank you for the encouragement. I know someone who this will uplift and will share it on my FB wall. God bless!

  18. Luke 18. 1 is one of my favorite verses on prayer! Great post. I’m pinning on my “posts worth reading board.” Blessings and thanks for linking up on Mondays @ Soul Survival.

  19. Luke 18. 1 is one of my favorite verses on prayer! Great post. I’m pinning on my “posts worth reading board.” Blessings and thanks for linking up on Mondays @ Soul Survival.

    • Megs says:

      Thank you so much, Donna! I really fell in love with the gospel of Luke. God spoke to my heart so much through these words! Happy Wednesday!

  20. A flashdrive is such a great metaphor for how we can insert our prayers before the Father, Meg. And I love the encouragement to keep on praying. God has been teaching me so much about prayer over the past few years and yet I feel like it’s a drop in the bucket of all that He has yet to teach me! Thanks for this inspiring post, my friend!

    • Megs says:

      Isn’t that the truth, that the more we learn, the more we realize how much left we have to learn?! Amen! Love your thoughts! Happy Wednesday!

  21. A flashdrive is such a great metaphor for how we can insert our prayers before the Father, Meg. And I love the encouragement to keep on praying. God has been teaching me so much about prayer over the past few years and yet I feel like it’s a drop in the bucket of all that He has yet to teach me! Thanks for this inspiring post, my friend!

    • Megs says:

      Isn’t that the truth, that the more we learn, the more we realize how much left we have to learn?! Amen! Love your thoughts! Happy Wednesday!

  22. sarahgirl3 says:

    I love the idea of a flash drive! I get tired of praying for the same thing, but I know it is what God wants. He hears me!

  23. sarahgirl3 says:

    I love the idea of a flash drive! I get tired of praying for the same thing, but I know it is what God wants. He hears me!

  24. Anita Ojeda says:

    What a unique perspective! I love it! Thank you for the reminder to keep my flash drive full of essential information :).

  25. Anita Ojeda says:

    What a unique perspective! I love it! Thank you for the reminder to keep my flash drive full of essential information :).

  26. Hazel Moon says:

    I liked your example of prayer being like a “Flash Drive,” with everything stored in it that we need. Never give up and persist in prayer until the answer arrives. We are viewing miracles today in our Nation due to persistent prayer. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

    • Megs says:

      Hazel, miracles happen everyday! It’s so inspiring! Everything we need is indeed in God’s Word, and we can carry it with us in our minds by the power of the Holy Spirit to help us remember it. Amen! Happy Thursday!

  27. Hazel Moon says:

    I liked your example of prayer being like a “Flash Drive,” with everything stored in it that we need. Never give up and persist in prayer until the answer arrives. We are viewing miracles today in our Nation due to persistent prayer. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

  28. Joanne Viola says:

    Such a creative way to remind us to store His Word so we can draw upon it as needed. Wonderful post!

  29. Joanne Viola says:

    Such a creative way to remind us to store His Word so we can draw upon it as needed. Wonderful post!

  30. Brenda says:

    Oh, love this one, Meg. Just wrote it down,and plan to mentally “download” it. 🙂 Love this Recall series you’re doing. It’s so easy to feel “too old” to memorize, but love the baby-step fashion of this. 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #ChasingCommunity today. 🙂 ((hug))

  31. Brenda says:

    Oh, love this one, Meg. Just wrote it down,and plan to mentally “download” it. 🙂 Love this Recall series you’re doing. It’s so easy to feel “too old” to memorize, but love the baby-step fashion of this. 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #ChasingCommunity today. 🙂 ((hug))

  32. Love this truth, Megs: “God’s presence beckons to employ a prayerful flow of continued conversation.”
    Number 4’s letting go is the hardest for me. But He is worthy of our trust, and we are safe in His hands.
    Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. xoxo

  33. Love this truth, Megs: “God’s presence beckons to employ a prayerful flow of continued conversation.”
    Number 4’s letting go is the hardest for me. But He is worthy of our trust, and we are safe in His hands.
    Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. xoxo

  34. This is my first visit to your blog and I know why it is! The Lord put your words before me to show me His hope for me today. I believe so deeply in prayer and turn to it so often but there are other times when I fail to give him my petitions and just start to wallow in sadness, fear, doubt. I cannot thank you enough for this post. It really was the reminder and strength I needed! xo

    • Megs says:

      Welcome!!! I love to hear what God does with this space, and am so glad you landed here to feel His love specifically for you today! That’s so awesome! We all wander and wallow, but He is good and is always listening when we pray! Happy Weekend!!!

  35. This is my first visit to your blog and I know why it is! The Lord put your words before me to show me His hope for me today. I believe so deeply in prayer and turn to it so often but there are other times when I fail to give him my petitions and just start to wallow in sadness, fear, doubt. I cannot thank you enough for this post. It really was the reminder and strength I needed! xo

    • Megs says:

      Welcome!!! I love to hear what God does with this space, and am so glad you landed here to feel His love specifically for you today! That’s so awesome! We all wander and wallow, but He is good and is always listening when we pray! Happy Weekend!!!

  36. Beautiful, Meg! Thank you for sharing these verses. I like your flash drive analogy. Blessings to you!

  37. Beautiful, Meg! Thank you for sharing these verses. I like your flash drive analogy. Blessings to you!

  38. What an interesting analogy, Megs. I love the parable of the persistent widow! Thanks for the reminder to keep on keeping on in prayer.

  39. What an interesting analogy, Megs. I love the parable of the persistent widow! Thanks for the reminder to keep on keeping on in prayer.

  40. Cheryl Gerou says:

    Visiting from GodSizedDreams. Thank you for the beautiful verse cards. And thank you for this great post. I need and want my flashdrive to be filled with the Holy Spirit. May your soul be refreshed as He fills you!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you, Cheryl! And I’m so glad you like the cards! It’s really been helping me remember and apply this month’s verse. Happy Tuesday!

  41. Cheryl Gerou says:

    Visiting from GodSizedDreams. Thank you for the beautiful verse cards. And thank you for this great post. I need and want my flashdrive to be filled with the Holy Spirit. May your soul be refreshed as He fills you!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you, Cheryl! And I’m so glad you like the cards! It’s really been helping me remember and apply this month’s verse. Happy Tuesday!

  42. God is showing me so much about prayer through one word in Philippians: PETITION. I’m digging in and asking, petitioning Him, fully confident He will answer!

  43. God is showing me so much about prayer through one word in Philippians: PETITION. I’m digging in and asking, petitioning Him, fully confident He will answer!

  44. carol525 says:

    The most important line for me today: “when we let go of the answer we want to hear and listen for the one He is laying out before us, miracles become visible.” I know it. I KNOW it. I just have to remind myself in those moments I want my own control. Thanks for a great message today.
    Stopping by from Inspire Me Monday

    • Megs says:

      Yes!! I am learning to acknowledge the peace I feel when my decisions align with God’s will. It takes such patience and effort for me to slow down enough to do it! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  45. carol525 says:

    The most important line for me today: “when we let go of the answer we want to hear and listen for the one He is laying out before us, miracles become visible.” I know it. I KNOW it. I just have to remind myself in those moments I want my own control. Thanks for a great message today.
    Stopping by from Inspire Me Monday

    • Megs says:

      Yes!! I am learning to acknowledge the peace I feel when my decisions align with God’s will. It takes such patience and effort for me to slow down enough to do it! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  46. rawsonjl says:

    Thanks for sharing at Together on Tuesdays!

  47. rawsonjl says:

    Thanks for sharing at Together on Tuesdays!

  48. Hazel Moon says:

    Thank you for sharing your awesome post with us here at Tell me a Story.

  49. Hazel Moon says:

    Thank you for sharing your awesome post with us here at Tell me a Story.

  50. chroncont says:

    Great post. When I’ve been desperate to have a prayer answered, persistence was key. Never giving up requests of God, brings about answers 🙂 Thanks for linking up at Together on Tuesdays 🙂

  51. chroncont says:

    Great post. When I’ve been desperate to have a prayer answered, persistence was key. Never giving up requests of God, brings about answers 🙂 Thanks for linking up at Together on Tuesdays 🙂

  52. mbethany says:

    Such a great illustration and outline of this parable, Megs! I especially love this: The conversations we have with the Father bleed out onto and into life.

  53. mbethany says:

    Such a great illustration and outline of this parable, Megs! I especially love this: The conversations we have with the Father bleed out onto and into life.

  54. Megs, Great post! I especially liked what you wrote in the section on God’s silence and my take away from your blog post was, ““In Jesus Name,” declares our faith in His will over our prayer requests and our lives.” I never really thought about “in Jesus name” in those terms. This was like an ahh haa moment for me.

    Thanks so much for sharing this very edifying post. 🙂

    • Megs says:

      Thank you, Karen! I learned to pray like that years ago and it was an “ahh haa” moment for me, too! Amen! Happy Monday! Thank you so much for visiting!