Christian Living


August 25, 2012

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

Run, ABC.  As I was looking to create the most adorable team shirts for my little girls to wear to our first XC meet, I stumbled upon the iron-on and couldn’t resist. ( Bonus for the props to RUN DMC…whom I actually listened to when they were really cool the first time.)

I have to admit, the shirts came out even better than I expected.  And then I realized, it’s really an appropriate theme to my life right now….literally and figuratively.  My children are learning at light speed…Brianne to write her alphabet and Lauren to recognize them via flashcards.  Little Lo is full f ledge communicating now, and Brianne is ‘writing’ me notes.  Love.

Being an official Assistant XC Coach this year, I feel I’m learning the ABC’s of coaching beginning runners the ABC’s of how to run. So far, I’ve learned that instilling the same discipline techniques on them as I do my toddlers works 90% of the time.  Even counting to 3.  I’m serious.  Instill that one.  Don’t think about it…just do it.

The head XC Coach is due to be a mommy mid-season.  My good friend and running buddy, I got into baby celebration madness this summer…digging out tiny little onesies…having a XC pep rally to celebrate and helping out on the official baby shower.  So excited for my friend to experience the joy I feel every day from my kids…I started to reflect on how fast the time is running by me…even though I try to pay attention.

I read the smartest and best advice in a parents magazine the other day.  A mom was reflecting on the 2 hours a day she spent shuttling her kids around, and simply vowed not to stress out about it…but to embrace every opportunity she had to not only be with her kid in the same car…but witnessing them participate in something they were passionate about.

Really cool mom.

You can learn a lot from other moms if you check your ego at the door.

I feel God answers my prayers through them…a lot.

Today, as my kids ran beside me cheering…me pushing an empty double jog stroller which I feel made it’s last meet today…I found myself overwhelmed with emotion.  These brilliant, beautiful, determined little girls…ran all over the course today to cheer for our team…Lauren literally climbing out of the stroller at times to run up and yell beside Brianne and I.  Right down to the last runner in.

The joy of running.  It’s been such a gift to my life, and to see it trickle down to my girls is unbelievably cool.  Because I know running.  And I know that it teaches you to embrace what your passionate about and stick with it to the end.  Through the bumps, the injuries, the bad races…  They may not always run…but I know they’ll never give up.  (And if they do run…we’ll be State Champs in 10-12 years or so…and I’ll be watching my kid run for Oregon…hey, parents can dream big, too…)


I think I”ll stick with that for a while.

Happy XC Season!!  Yay!!


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