Christian Living

The “Yes” Shoes

April 28, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

imageHe will straighten our stride, in His time, when we lace up our “yes” shoes.

It seems my daughter thinks her shoes will magically jump onto her feet if she stares at them long enough. When they don’t, her shoes fly over the foyer in frustration. And, oh …the agony …when a pair no longer fit.

“Lo, stand up so I can zip them up,” I stammered in frustration.

“I AM,” she yelled and convulsed, convinced my help was overkill.

“Push your foot down harder,” I ordered. Her boots were swimmingly large mere “mommy” moments ago, but now needed to be pushed on.

“OK, let’s do the other one…”

Expanding feet shift goals. They also outgrow shoes.  image

Growth is predictably unpredictable, and keeping goals in stride with a shifting destination is hard. Has your finish line ever moved as you were about to break the ribbon? Here’s what I learned from my missed marathon and mommy moments.

Shoes too small.

A complete year off running didn’t yield a healed Achilles heal. There are moments I’d go back in time and risk a complete tear to line up at the start of my first full marathon.

God swapped my shoes regardless of my readiness to understand why.

“By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated with soon disappear.” Hebrews 8:13 (NIV)

I ran through snow, wind and ice …in shoes a complete size too small. A simple fix the runners at the running shoe store would have told me had I went there to be fitted for the right shoes before logging hundreds of miles.

Sometimes, we pray into God-sized goals. He wants us to dream big, and will bless our ambition to pursue, for His glory, the passions He’s laid in us.

imageProperly prepared with the right pair of shoes, the impact is absorbed efficiently and the weight is distributed properly. Experienced runners know injury arises from a misaligned stride, often corrected by a shoe fit to guide feet as they strike the ground.

God does this for us. Through Christ, we capture the key to a corrected stride. God’s love is giant. He found a way to fit us for freedom. Jesus absorbs the impact and distributes the weight. To maximize each stride, we must stick by His side.

In addition to personal conversation in prayer with God, He seeks to speak specifically through His Word. Dig beyond devotionals, follow side-trails, and chase after characters. The pull to know why and the curiosity to question fit our feet for training.


Hebrews 8:13 (above) speaks to us about outdated goals. About Old Testament customs and traditions no longer necessary because of the gap Jesus filled.

We naturally replace what is obsolete. Anyone that lived through the 80’s can define “outdated.” Remnants of style may return redefined, but are fit for the “now.”

365 days ago, I took my running shoes off. I’ve been striding and striving everywhere but the road, tired and frustrated. God grew my feet before my shoes were fit to comprehend the change. The healing I prayed for came laced in lesson. I thought the goal was the marathon. He knew it was time to sit down …and write.

Every time I load the trunk up with bags of shoes that are too small for my kids, I feel ill-equipped to replace them all. I’m not even sure what size to buy, what they will need, or if they will like them. Clearly, I need help with my own shoe size…

imageWe may have to adjust, grow, and shift …learn new patterns, drift in new waters, pursue new passions, open different doors, and stand on new stages. But Jesus picked us to fit where we fly.image

My identity in my daughter’s eyes is still “runner,” and she misses it just as much as I do. Her note is the nudge I’ve been waiting for. Could it be possible, that time spent obeying the development of one passion could be rewarded with the return of another? On this day, number 366 since the last time I laced up my running shoes, I believe His answer is “yes.” Fit in His shoes, the weight of many passions is bearable and possible. Today, I began to run again.


God pauses passions to add in complimenting attributes to the fabric of our stories. Chapters and pages we might have edited out, or never written, yet essential to who we are in Him.

Whether you’re training for a marathon, building houses, crunching numbers, or digging through a mountain of laundry …ask Jesus to adjust the fit. Children discover their passions by watching us let Him fit us to ours.

Jesus ushered in a new era. Life isn’t a Browns draft failing to produce a quarterback yearimage after year. (As a hometown Clevelander and life-long Browns fan, I’m allowed to say that.) Sit down, and let Him fit your feet.

Happy Strides,


And now …

As I read this reminiscent post today, I am rolling the balls of my feet on golf ball to treat a case of plantar fasciitis that has all but crippled me to a chair for a while. I did return to running, and completed my first half-marathon last fall. I ran the entire 13.1 miles with a smile on my face and praise music in my ears. I don’t NEED running to feel complete anymore. Now, it’s a gift I get to enjoy when I can … The injuries will continue to come, but working through them reminds me of my pursuit of Christ. It’s not always easy, but worth every stride. I did obediently sit down to write after I had no choice and nothing else left to do but to. Thus is God’s patience with me. My first book, “Friends with Everyone,” is out in the world, and the second is on the way …The greatest joy of this journey are the moments of connectivity with my Father as I write. The heart strings pulled gently into tune by my Savior. It’s a thrill I’ll shelve my running shoes for, anytime He calls me to (and I love that He allows injury to see to it I’ll actually do it!) 

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  1. Isn’t it just amazing what our children teach us! Love this post. Thanks for linking up with #JesusandCoffee today!

  2. Beautifully stated Meg! I love this post on so many levels! My sister in an avid runner. my Achilles is healing right now from a slip in the shower, and I am so looking forward to the NFL draft tonight. I’m rooting for RG III to do well for the Browns and the Pats are my team:) I can relate to not doing what you love foe a long period of time. The stroke changed my life but my relationship with Christ has changed for the better! It’s my prayer that you will be able to return to running soon but your gift for writing is evident here in this post. Thank you for giving us a peek into your journey. Have a wonderful weekend, God bless you, and good luck to your Browns this year!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you for your amazing encouragement! The Browns need a lot more than luck …but miracles happen! Ha ha ha! I love the comeback in faith God brought through your stroke. You are amazingly strong to have such a positive attitude! To God be the glory. Happy Draft Day! Megs

  3. Beautifully stated Meg! I love this post on so many levels! My sister in an avid runner. my Achilles is healing right now from a slip in the shower, and I am so looking forward to the NFL draft tonight. I’m rooting for RG III to do well for the Browns and the Pats are my team:) I can relate to not doing what you love foe a long period of time. The stroke changed my life but my relationship with Christ has changed for the better! It’s my prayer that you will be able to return to running soon but your gift for writing is evident here in this post. Thank you for giving us a peek into your journey. Have a wonderful weekend, God bless you, and good luck to your Browns this year!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you for your amazing encouragement! The Browns need a lot more than luck …but miracles happen! Ha ha ha! I love the comeback in faith God brought through your stroke. You are amazingly strong to have such a positive attitude! To God be the glory. Happy Draft Day! Megs

  4. Julia Putzke says:

    “Jesus picked us to fit where we fly.” Ughhh, I needed this today. And your daughter’s note

  5. Julia Putzke says:

    “Jesus picked us to fit where we fly.” Ughhh, I needed this today. And your daughter’s note

  6. Jackie S says:

    Sometimes, we pray into God-sized goals. He wants us to dream big, and will bless our ambition to pursue, for His glory, the passions He laid in us. ~ I needed this reminder during this season of my life.
    I am not a runner, but the imagery here is beautiful.

  7. Jackie S says:

    Sometimes, we pray into God-sized goals. He wants us to dream big, and will bless our ambition to pursue, for His glory, the passions He laid in us. ~ I needed this reminder during this season of my life.
    I am not a runner, but the imagery here is beautiful.

  8. Megs, what an encouraging lesson! I have laid down one passion for another for a season but never thought about how God might be using those passions together for His glory. Thanks for sharing with us at Testimony Tuesday!

    • Megs says:

      Many thanks, Holly! I shed a lot of tears writing this one …His ways truly are beyond our comprehension. Praise our great, loving, God. Happy Friday!!! Megs

  9. Megs, what an encouraging lesson! I have laid down one passion for another for a season but never thought about how God might be using those passions together for His glory. Thanks for sharing with us at Testimony Tuesday!

    • Megs says:

      Many thanks, Holly! I shed a lot of tears writing this one …His ways truly are beyond our comprehension. Praise our great, loving, God. Happy Friday!!! Megs

  10. I love this! Such a great analogy and picture you painted in my mind! Thanks, Meg!

  11. I love this! Such a great analogy and picture you painted in my mind! Thanks, Meg!

  12. Jesus picked us to fit where we fly – love that, Meg. So glad that God sticks with us and makes those adjustments in our heart and spirit so that we can be assured we are precisely where He wants us. Blessings to you.

  13. Jesus picked us to fit where we fly – love that, Meg. So glad that God sticks with us and makes those adjustments in our heart and spirit so that we can be assured we are precisely where He wants us. Blessings to you.

  14. Laura Thomas says:

    Thanks for this… getting “fitted” by God sounds wonderful – He knows our abilies and strengths better than we do! Running the race in the most effective shoes for His glory… Oh yes please! Stopping by from Holley’s Blessings!

  15. Laura Thomas says:

    Thanks for this… getting “fitted” by God sounds wonderful – He knows our abilies and strengths better than we do! Running the race in the most effective shoes for His glory… Oh yes please! Stopping by from Holley’s Blessings!

  16. “We may have to adjust, grow, and shift …learn new patterns, drift in new waters, pursue new passions, open different doors, and stand on new stages. But Jesus picked us to fit where we fly.” I needed to read this TODAY. Not sooner, not later. TODAY. Thank you so much for linking up to Open Mic Monday for the soul at Cisneros Cafe. I’ve been absent this week, but am starting to see daylight in the morning sickness dilemma. Hoping to be back this Monday. Have a beautiful and blessed week, my sweet friend. Keep the fire!!

    • Megs says:

      Hey! Same to you, sweet gal! I often think about how you’re doing! Don’t worry, I have Spring fever keeping me from accomplishing all I normally do …you are an absolute trooper. Soldier on with the grace that you’ve been given. Smile HUGE today!!
      Happy Thursday!!!

  17. “We may have to adjust, grow, and shift …learn new patterns, drift in new waters, pursue new passions, open different doors, and stand on new stages. But Jesus picked us to fit where we fly.” I needed to read this TODAY. Not sooner, not later. TODAY. Thank you so much for linking up to Open Mic Monday for the soul at Cisneros Cafe. I’ve been absent this week, but am starting to see daylight in the morning sickness dilemma. Hoping to be back this Monday. Have a beautiful and blessed week, my sweet friend. Keep the fire!!

    • Megs says:

      Hey! Same to you, sweet gal! I often think about how you’re doing! Don’t worry, I have Spring fever keeping me from accomplishing all I normally do …you are an absolute trooper. Soldier on with the grace that you’ve been given. Smile HUGE today!!
      Happy Thursday!!!